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Or, active learning Learning (skills) are acquired/learned and can be improved.

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3 Or, active learning

4 Learning (skills) are acquired/learned and can be improved.

5  Getting Motivated (Chapter 2)  Time management (Chapter 3)

6  People are naturally good learners  Effective instructions results in successful performance  The amount of time you spend studying is NOT important  Constructing an outline is effective  Highlighting aids learning  Record few lecture notes  Memorize information for tests  Learning strategies have minimal value and application in the real world.

7  Lack of self-awareness (why sit in back of the class? Why study in dorms between 7:00 and 10:00 PM? Why do an all-nighter? …)  Lack of self-control.  Lack of strategies.  Lack of motivation: If you don’t want to change, then no one and nothing can make you change.

8  Increase achievement, success.  Increase enjoyment.  Reduce learning time.  Take control. Choose to slow down lecture Isolate personal problems Prevent boredom Invest early and invest daily Know the exam content and format Choose not to have test anxiety Recognize that you are capable of learning

9 PERSONALENVIRONMENTAL  I lack ability  I don’t know my future  I don’t feel well  I’m not in the mood  I don’t like the subject  I’m not good at tests  I was careless  I have problems  Class is too large  Class is too early/late  Class is boring  Lecture disorganized  Things happen to make me miss class  Things distract me from studying  Test was unfair  There is not enough time  Professor is a bloody foreigner.

10 Enhance your motivation to learn: - Increase your desire - Strengthen your intention - Improve your Focus - Sustain your efforts. Develop challenging goals Identify enjoyable goals Establish behavioral goals Make goal statements. Use mental imagery: - You become a believer - You get worthwhile practice - You hurdle prospective barriers - You assume a new role Success as a scientist, artist, composer, athlete, or student requires hard work. The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen. Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. No matter how difficult or impossible things become, you just stay with it. You keep plugging away and never, never give up.

11  Invest time  Invest in time  Invest early  Invest Daily  Invest wisely  Monitor your investment  Enjoy your investment

12 Rule of three: For each 24 hours there are - 8 hours of work (class + study) - 8 hours of sleep - 8 hours of “free” time.




16 A semester planner Dates of all tests and assignments A weekly planner Week’s tests, assignments, activities. A daily planner - Task that must be completed - Tasks that can hopefully be completed

17 Course with 2 midterms and one term paper. - due dates - self-imposed deadlines September October November December


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