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2006-2007 Travis County Immigrant Assessment Presentation to Travis County Commissioners’ Court June 5, 2007.

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1 2006-2007 Travis County Immigrant Assessment Presentation to Travis County Commissioners’ Court June 5, 2007

2 The Assessment Process: Why Now? Demographic change in Travis County: Between 1990 and 2005, the foreign-born population grew by 230% (about 45,000 to 148,000) Stakeholders discovered a common interest to explore needs of and conditions for foreign-born residents: Catholic Charities of Central Texas City of Austin Commission on Immigrant Affairs Community Action Network Travis County Health and Human Services & Veterans Service

3 The Assessment Process: Developing the Approach  The TCHHS/VS Research and Planning Division stewarded the process, conducting primary and secondary research  Advised and supported by a Steering Committee representing diverse sectors and organizations Goal: Develop a process and create a product that are accurate, balanced, and inclusive

4 Issue areas included: The Assessment Process: Exploring the Issues  Profile of Foreign Born in Travis County  Immigration Policy, Process and Legal Rights  Public Safety  The Economic Safety Net  Housing  Health  Education  Workforce

5 Goals of each section: The Assessment Process: Exploring the Issues  Describe the characteristics of Travis County’s foreign-born population  Provide a picture of national trends vis-à-vis immigrant issues  Consider the relative well-being of immigrant residents within the context of the community’s goals  Include the experiences and perspectives of local immigrant residents

6 To describe the County’s immigrant population, we wanted to know … Demographic Overview: Selected Report Highlights  How has Travis County and its immigrant population grown?  Where do Travis County immigrants originate from and what languages do they speak?  Where do they fall on the socioeconomic and educational attainment spectrum?  Where do immigrants live in Travis County?

7 How has Travis County and its immigrant population grown? Growth in Travis County Population by Nativity, 1990-2005 199020002005 Total Growth Native Born531,327689,659718,11035% Foreign Born45,080122,621148,239229% Total Population576,407812,280866,34950% Percent of Travis County Foreign-Born8%15%17%- Sources: U.S. Census 1990 & 2000; American Community Survey, 2005

8 Where do Travis County immigrants originate from?

9 What languages do Travis County immigrants speak?

10 Where do Travis County immigrants fall on the income spectrum? Source: American Community Survey, 2005

11 Where do Travis County immigrants fall on the education spectrum? Source: American Community Survey, 2005

12 Source: TCHHS/VS R&P analysis of Census 2000. Where do Travis County immigrants live?

13 In Summary: Overarching Themes  Immigrants are part of and impact the Travis County community.  Immigrants exhibit diversity in culture, socio-economic characteristics, and experiences in the U.S.  Some immigrant sub-populations have higher needs and encounter greater challenges.  Immigration systems, and the laws and policies related to them are complex, changing and frequently unclear.  Federal, state, and local authorities often disagree on who is responsible for the immigration issue.

14 What’s Next? Begin a community conversation by …  Offering questions to spark dialogue.  Inviting the community to reflect on this information and construct their own responses.  Planning a community forum (June 29, 2007).

15 2006-2007 Immigrant Assessment Partners and Supporters Travis County Health and Human Services & Veterans Service, Research & Planning Division Community Action Network Catholic CharitiesCity of Austin Commission on Immigrant Affairs 2006 Immigrant Assessment Steering Committee

16 To Obtain Copies … The Immigrant Assessment is available for online viewing and downloading: For more information, questions or comments, please contact HHS/VS Research & Planning staff: Rachel Coff: 854-3413 or Korey Darling: 854-4275 or

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