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The Promise Requires Righteous Judgment November 3, 2013.

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1 The Promise Requires Righteous Judgment November 3, 2013

2 Reasons God Reveals His Plan to Abraham 1)God has chosen Abraham to be in a close personal relationship with himself. 2)God will use Abraham to teach righteousness and justice to his offspring.

3 Abraham’s Intercession Before The Lord 1)Abraham drew near to the Lord with boldness and humility. 2)Abraham appeals to the mercy of God. 3)Abraham appeals to the righteous justice of the Lord. 4)Abraham recognizes his own unworthiness before the Lord God Almighty. 5)Abraham persists in his intercession.

4 The Angels and Lot in Sodom  The angels meet Lot at the city gate.  Lot persuades the angels to spend the night at his house.  Lot is hospitable to the angels.

5 The Wickedness of Sodom  All the men of Sodom seek to have perverse sexual relations with the men.  Sodom was not only sexually perverse – they were morally bankrupt.  Lot identifies their actions as wickedness.  Lot offers his daughters to the angry mob to placate their sinful desires.

6 God’s Mercy in the Midst of Perverse Wickedness  The angels rescued Lot and blinded the eyes of the angry mob.  The angels warn Lot to rescue his entire family.  In mercy, the angels intervene and rescue Lot and his family.  In the midst of being rescued, Lot questions God’s ability to rescue and God responds in mercy.

7 Truths of God’s Righteous Justice 1)God is as faithful to his promise of judgment as he is to his promise of blessing – for he is the righteous judge. 2)God hears every ‘outcry’ of injustice. 3)Do not mistake the longsuffering mercy of God for weakness or for God’s approval of wickedness. In many ways, we are living in Sodom, may we not let Sodom live in us!

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