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What is Assessment in Maths? Finding out what your child knows understands can do.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Assessment in Maths? Finding out what your child knows understands can do."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Assessment in Maths? Finding out what your child knows understands can do.

2 How ? Information from the Year 1 Teacher Details of each Learning Objective National Curriculum Level

3 How ? Marking books W.A.L.T. We are learning to... Informal assessment in lessons Triangle marking Child self-assesses Written comments to move children on. Green is great! EBI (Even better if) Pink means think!



6 How ? In lessons: writing on whiteboards, explaining my thinking out loud, asking questions. Write a number between 20 and 30 How did you work that out? What were you thinking? Did you count back in ones or did you use 100 square?

7 How ? SATs Written tests or tasks in May One moment in time Can have help with reading

8 Who takes what? Children who we think are working below level 2 will do some practical tasks in a small group of children (no more than 3). Each child will be asked similar questions requiring different answers. If they score highly in the tasks then they will be asked to try the Level 2 test. Children who we are confident are at Level 3 will do that test only. All other children will do the Level 2 test. If they score highly in the Level 2 test (a good level 2A) then they will also do the Level 3 test. The tests all start with 5 mental maths questions given to the whole group. Then children work at their own pace. There is no time limit and they can have help with reading of words, but no interpreting of numbers, signs or diagrams is allowed, and they can’t be helped with how to answer a question. All children will take the tests in a small group with an adult they know well. They are already familiar with the format of the tests.








16 Children need to know... Number bonds for 10, 20 and 100 Times tables for at least 2x, 5x and 10x and multiplication and division facts such as how many groups of 5 in 45? What are 9 lots of 10? Place value - knowing that 37 = 30 + 7 or 3 tens and 7 ones or units Maths vocabulary for the different operations of + - x ÷

17 + o altogether o more than o count on o plus o add o total o and - o take away o minus o count back o less than o subtract o difference between o decrease o how many left o take from X o groups of o lots of o times table o times o multiplied by o multiply o double ÷ o share o share equally o divide o divided by o groups o halve o half Maths vocabulary

18 What parents can do to help. Encourage your child to use Mathletics regularly. Practise times tables by chanting, learning to sing them and knowing table facts. Get your child to test you – and sometimes get them wrong so they can put you right! Numeracy passports. Parent helpsheets are on the Longfield website. Go shopping with your child. Buy 3 tins of beans and work out the cost. 4 apples etc. Use the parent pack for more ideas.

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