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1 ASMED-UNIDO Assistance to Establish the National and Provincial SME Support Infrastructure In Partnership with the Governments of Finland and Italy Nilgün.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ASMED-UNIDO Assistance to Establish the National and Provincial SME Support Infrastructure In Partnership with the Governments of Finland and Italy Nilgün."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ASMED-UNIDO Assistance to Establish the National and Provincial SME Support Infrastructure In Partnership with the Governments of Finland and Italy Nilgün F. Taş Chief Technical Advisor

2 2 Objective To improve the national and provincial policy and institutional frameworks for SME development in Viet Nam Programme lauched in August 2004, Phase I budget: $US 2.4 million in 2 years (Finland & Italy), Total duration 4 years.

3 3 Expected Results “an SME Advocate within the Government’s administrative structure” (Enhanced capacity in the Agency for SME Development-ASMED) “an inter-ministerial, multi-sectoral SME Advisor to the Prime Minister” (Enhanced capacity in the SME Development Promotion Council) “a sound basis for informed policy decisions” (Improved capacity in SME research)

4 4 Expected Results “provincial gateways to Government support for SMEs” ( up to 5 pilot provincial focal points; Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh City +2) “a Government information service for SMEs” (legal, regulatory and administrative requirements, available Government support and ODA programmes for SMEs) “a communications programme” (entrepreneurship as a career option, SME support infrastructure and donor support)

5 5 Year I Activities Council & ASMED A highly participatory, consultative, inter-ministerial, multi-sector SME strategy formulation process driven by ASMED and owned by Vietnamese stakeholders Policy advice and capacity building towards upgrading of the business registration system– in collaboration with the European Commission (joined work plan) National and local level SME support programme guidelines and standards Organization development, including capacity building in coordination, monitoring and evaluation functions at central and provincial levels Basic SME statistics SME Portal

6 6 Year I Activities Provinces-start up activities towards Capacity building in provincial gateways  strategy implementation  dialogue  programme design guidelines and standards Government information services Facilitation of learning through networking with other provinces THANK YOU!

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