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Cultural diversity and cultural exchange Spain Eva Puig Syversen, Royal Norwegian Embassy Overview of the programmes in PA17, EEA Grants 2009-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural diversity and cultural exchange Spain Eva Puig Syversen, Royal Norwegian Embassy Overview of the programmes in PA17, EEA Grants 2009-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural diversity and cultural exchange Spain Eva Puig Syversen, Royal Norwegian Embassy Overview of the programmes in PA17, EEA Grants 2009-2014

2 In Spain the activities that have been supported within the programme were divided in two categories: 1) Support to institutions for cultural cooperation projects and 2) Support to individuals for cultural mobility. The aim with the second category was support of cultural players who wished to develop their international network and to strengthen their capacity to work across national borders. The performances included cinema, theatre, photo exhibitions, performances, dance, music etc. Supported activities

3 The programme offered support to a sector facing exceptional challenges in a country badly hit by the financial crisis at the time. The priorities revolved around three central themes: 1) the acknowledgement of cultural diversity 2) the strengthening of co-operation 3) the consideration of culture as a tool for economic development and social cohesion. Specific selection criteria (in the area of arts)

4 The Open Call for proposals was published on 16 May 2013 and was open for 2 months. Total applications received: 141. Total grant amount applied for: € 5 million and the total budget of the call: € 422,500 (approx. 8% of grant amount applied for) All applications were assessed by experts from Spain and Norway according to the selection criteria: operational capacity, financial management and quality of the project. Out of 141 applications, 29 projects were selected. 8 projects under category 1 and 21 in category 2. The Selection Committee agreed on the list to be recommended to the Program Operator. Selection procedure

5 The activities took place in various geographical locations in Spain and in the donor states. The implementation phase for projects run from September 2013 until September 2014 The performances included cinema, theatre, photo exhibitions, performances, dance, music etc. These activities have contributed to spreading information about the EEA Grants both in Spain and in the donor states. In addition, since all projects had a bilateral dimension, the activities have strengthened the bilateral ties in the cultural sector. Results

6 More information

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