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UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Reassessing international benchmarks for tertiary education systems Albert Motivans UNESCO Institute for Statistics Benchmarking.

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1 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Reassessing international benchmarks for tertiary education systems Albert Motivans UNESCO Institute for Statistics Benchmarking Education Systems for Results 21-23 June 2010, Singapore

2 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS l International benchmarking and comparisons across countries are now the lingua franca in education policy and public debates l Greater attention has also led to higher stakes and more attention to the quality of indicators, for example in the case of tertiary education The growing importance of benchmarks

3 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Expanding tertiary systems Tertiary enrolment grew by more than four-fold between 1975 and 2008 1975 0.8M 1985 1.1M 1995 1.7M 2007 2.8M Mobile tertiary students – those who study abroad, more than tripled Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

4 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Who produces the most tertiary graduates? Gross graduation ratio of first-time qualifications of ISCED 5A and 5B programmes Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

5 How mobile are tertiary students? Mobile students as a percentage of tertiary enrolment, 1999 and 2008 Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics

6 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Recent critiques of international benchmarks for tertiary systems l Interpretation/use of indicators Analysis of indicators is not contextualised Focus on relative measures hides absolute figures Problems with rankings l Indicator methodology ISCED classifications of tertiary education programmes are too heterogenous Limitations of population-based graduation rates Coverage of part-time students, foreign students is unclear Clifford Adelman (2009), The spaces between numbers Hauptman and Fritschler (2009) The use and misuse of international data in higher education

7 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Where do international indicators come from? International framework for education statistics l National programmes are mapped according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED97) l Data are provided to UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat via three instruments and a common indicator methodology l WEI is a special programme which bridges UIS and OECD methodologies. SurveyScopeContent UNESCO Institute for Statistics +/- 150 countries Basic data: pupils, teachers, finances World Education Indicators (WEI) 16 countries China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka,Thailand More policy variables – can compare to OECD countries, but also to decide on own indicators UNESCO- OECD- EUROSTAT 42 countries Japan, Rep. of Korea System-level data and policy design

8 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Challenges of ensuring comparability across diverse tertiary systems

9 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Revising the international standard (ISCED97) l Global consultation on ISCED2011 now underway ( l Changing contexts Strong expansion and differentiation in education Convergence in approaches to organise tertiary education provision (e.g., Bologna process in Europe) l Shortcomings in the existing ISCED97 classification Completion and attainment not defined Difficult to apply standard to calculate graduation rates Unclear instructions for special cases (e.g., o-levels, bridging programmes, adult education)

10 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Improved classification of tertiary programmes l Five post-secondary levels, Four tertiary levels l Distinguishes BA and MA and equivalent programmes Reflects European Bologna process l Simplifies dimensions within levels l Improves hierarchy in tertiary levels No implicit hierarchy of vocational/academic l Qualifications added as a criterion for completion and attainment

11 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Addressing the critics l Promote interpretation and use of data Recognise contextual factors Use both relative/absolute perspectives Use wide range of indicators l Improve tools Refine ISCED classification categories (ISCED2011) Stronger compliance to reporting standards (e.g., peer reviews) Seek alternative indicators l Transparency is essential

12 UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICS Agenda for international benchmarking l More focus on regional priorities and working directly with countries (WEI approach) l More flexible platforms for regional data collection l More focus on gaps in data and indicators needed to inform key policy issues, including: Education quality Financing education Human resource development l Data use and analysis – regional reporting

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