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Scope and Scale Strategies for Faculty Advancement Mary Jean Harrold ADVANCE Professor of Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "Scope and Scale Strategies for Faculty Advancement Mary Jean Harrold ADVANCE Professor of Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scope and Scale Strategies for Faculty Advancement Mary Jean Harrold ADVANCE Professor of Computing

2 To Associate Professor Evidence of effective teaching Evidence of creativity Evidence of contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession, etc. To Associate Professor Evidence of effective teaching Evidence of creativity Evidence of contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession, etc. Routes/Pathways to Professional Maturity

3 To Professor Significant contributions as an educator Significant creativity demonstrated Substantial contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession To Associate Professor Evidence of effective teaching Evidence of creativity Evidence of contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession, etc. Routes/Pathways to Professional Maturity

4 To Professor Significant contributions as an educator Significant creativity demonstrated Substantial contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession Broad research leadership, recognition—visiting professorships, invited talks and papers, (inter)national committees, etc. To Associate Professor Evidence of effective teaching Evidence of creativity Evidence of contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession, etc. Routes/Pathways to Professional Maturity

5 To Professor Significant contributions as an educator Significant creativity demonstrated Substantial contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession Broad research leadership, recognition—visiting professorships, invited talks and papers, (inter)national committees, etc. To Professor Significant contributions as an educator Significant creativity demonstrated Substantial contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession Broad research leadership, recognition—visiting professorships, invited talks and papers, (inter)national committees, etc. Routes/Pathways to Professional Maturity

6 To Distinguished, Chaired, Admin, Fellow, etc. Outstanding contributions and leadership to GT and research community— service to Institute, public, profession Outstanding research leadership, recognition— visiting professorships, invited talks and papers, (inter)national committees, etc. To Professor Significant contributions as an educator Significant creativity demonstrated Substantial contributions to GT—service to Institute, public, profession Broad research leadership, recognition—visiting professorships, invited talks and papers, (inter)national committees, etc. Routes/Pathways to Professional Maturity

7 Take charge of your research career –Work on important problems  to make important discoveries and have impact –Work on problems that excite you  to remain interested and passionate –Create, continually update your strategy (your goals, topics, collaborators)  to keep on track –Assume leadership role in your research community  gain recognition internationally –Consider taking a sabbatical (LOA)  to learn, revive, avoid boredom, etc. –Document all you do  to help others understand your research and impact –Recognize opportunities that come along  to achieve more than planned and find new, interesting roles Strategies and Consequences

8 Take charge of your service activities Many service activities available at all levels  your choices impact your career so choose those that matter to you (give you visibility, connections, are important to you) avoid service activities because you think you “should” do them find research-oriented service (program committees, journal editorships, NSF panels, etc.) make professional service enhance your visibility in the community Strategies and Consequences

9 General –Balance research and service demands (no one gets promoted for service only) –Manage expanding administrative responsibilities (you are expected to do more now) –Teach courses that enhance research –Get yearly feedback, communicate with chair, mentors, take active role in promotion – Don’t seek promotion without support of professors in your unit Resource Strategies and Consequences

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