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CVO SPANISH CADASTRAL INTERNET OFFICE An example of quality and efficiency improvement

2 The Spanish Cadastre is an administrative register with a fiscal origin, created as a database to be accessed both by Public Administrations (national, regional and local) and citizens. As an inventory of real estate it contains: Physical information (position, surface, use, crops, boundaries, cartographic representation, type and quality of buildings….) Legal information (owner’s identification: national identification number, name, address). Economic information (cadastral values of lands and buildings, as an administrative reference value)

3 Administrated by Navarre and Basque governments
CADASTRAL DATA BASE sq Km 95 % administrated by the G.D. of Cadastre 5% remaining Administrated by Navarre and Basque governments 7.575 municipalities Urban Cadastre 32 millions urban properties Rural Cadastre 42 millions rural parcels 23,5 millons Cadastral Owners Central offices 52 provincial offices


5 Quality : A Cadastral data base, that is Complete for all of the Spanish territory. Available to all the Administrations and citizens. Up to date, in cooperation with Land Registers, and local and regional Administrations. But now Quality is too, to have: Databases accessible on line Cadastral Information and services in Internet, 24* 7 and cost-free, for citizens and Administrations. Daily updated information in Internet Interoperable with external systems using Web services. All the Cadastral procedures necessary for updating the cadastral data base via internet by local administrations, that collaborate in the cadastral maintenance.

6 Reasons for a Cadastral Virtual Office
Cadastral Information is high quality information that must be brought closer to citizens and public administrations. Society demands complete information, up to date, and easy to obtain. More than 2.3 million persons visited the Cadastre’s territorial offices in 2003 (the last year without CVO), a figure now decreasing. Citizens were required by other administrations to obtain over 1 million Cadastral certifications The Cadastral organization exchanges a large amount of information. Before the existence of the CVO this exchange was done using magnetic formats. Now the CVO is the gateway to upload the information directly into the territorial databases. CVO offers an opportunity to boost the economy in the territorial information sector. Free access has represented a new opportunity, not only for alphanumerical information but also for Cadastral maps

7 CVO’s main goals First goal: To provide other administrations with information which until then, citizens were required to present to these administrations after collecting it themselves from the Cadastral offices. Today all this information is directly accessible for both in Internet. Second goal: to implement a gateway for information exchange between Administrations, that regularly send and receive files from the Cadastral organization. Through the CVO the local administrations that collaborate in the cadastral maintenance not only can update the cadastral data base, but can obtain the products and services necessary for the management of their public policies. In this way the use of the CVO represents a re-organisation in services and processes, which makes the cadastral administration more efficient and effective and reduce administrative burden.

Cadastral information query and Cadastral data certification. Exchange of information. Cadastral maps and web services. free of charge

9 Cadastral information query and Cadastral data certification.
Request of Cadastral Information - both alphanumeric and graphic (maps). This service allows the user to access the physical and economic data of properties as well as their owner (if permitted). The data can be obtained - using the location of the real estate or its Cadastral reference or code, Multiple Query Service. Certificate of Cadastral Data

10 Typing province, town, street name and number in case of urban buildings
province, municipality, polygon and parcel in the case of rural properties

11 Cadastral information query and Cadastral data certification.
Request of Cadastral Information - both alphanumeric and graphic (maps). This service allows the user to access the physical and economic data of properties as well as their owner (when it is permitted). The data can be obtained - using the location of the real estate or its Cadastral reference or code, - using cadastral maps Multiple Query Service. Certificate of Cadastral Data


13 Picking a position in the rural cadastral cartography
You can get the information associated to a rural property

14 Picking a position in the urban cadastral cartography
You can get the information associated to a urban property

15 Cadastral information query and Cadastral data certification.
Request of Cadastral Information - both alphanumeric and graphic (maps). This service allows the user to access the physical and economic data of properties as well as their owner (when it is permitted). The data can be obtained - using the location of the real estate or its Cadastral reference or code, - using cadastral maps - or using a list of the properties owned by an individual. Multiple Query Service. Certificate of Cadastral Data

16 Properties associated to an owner
Typing the holder's Fiscal Identity Number (NIF), and selecting a property from the list of properties owned by that person. .

17 Cadastral information query and Cadastral data certification.
Request of Cadastral Information - both alphanumeric and graphic (maps). This service allows the user to access the physical and economic data of properties as well as their owner (when it is permitted). The data can be obtained - using the location of the real estate or its Cadastral reference or code, - using cadastral maps - or using a list of the properties owned by an individual. Multiple Query Service. Instead of making individual queries, it is possible to send a file in a pre-defined format with necessary data, and this service returns all the requested information in a file. Certificate of Cadastral Data (official document with the data obtained from a previous query). This document is obtained immediately and at no cost. The Certificate bears a 16-digit code which allows the document to be acknowledged as originally issued.

18 Physical real estate data, cadastral value
FIGURE 2 Cadastral map Cadastral code Physical real estate data, cadastral value Legal ownership data 16-character certification code Any particular citizen identified by an x509 certificate, can view all the accesses made on their properties by all administrations and institutions.

19 Massive exchange of information services
The Cadastre exchanges a huge amount of information with external agents The CVO allows the exchange of files, in a pre-defined format, between the Cadastre and the different Administrations as well as with collaborating organizations, for different purposes: coordination of the contents of data bases, updating of Cadastral information, legal effects, taxation, etc. NOW: Webservices are used for Exchange information The new implanted services already allow on line the update of the cadastral data by collaborating administrations. The development of these services has been based on exchange of information using XML. It has been defined an interface that facilitates integration with the applications of the collaborating administrations CVO is the main example in interoperability between all the Spanish land management organizations, mainly Land Registers, and municipalities. They both use Cadastral data in their daily work, and work with the GD in data updating and assuring data quality in a sustainable quality model.

Cadastral maps are served using standard WMS (Web Map Services) that allow external geographical systems to overlay Cadastral information onto their own cartographies. External access to maps by: - Standard light explorer Or the IDEE (Spanish spatial data infraestructure) -Heavy explorer: GIS software You need to install the program. It allows WMS servers as one more work layer

21 - The WMS offers the Getfeatureinfo service
- The WMS Permits the TIME parameter to have historic information since 2002. - The WMS offers the Getfeatureinfo service It is a utility that informs about the Cadastral Reference of the plot that is identified. This service returns a file html with the cadastral reference, which is a hyperlink to the page of the CVO and from there you can obtain the impression of sketch and information or the navigation on the official cartography of the selected municipality. - IT is possible overlay cadastral information even with Google Earth.



24 DEVELOPMENT PHASES. Phase 1: Data Consolidation
We had 52 master Data Bases in territorial offices We joined all of them in a single National Cadastral Data Base, with alphanumerical information and cadastral vectorial maps for all of the Spanish Territory. The National Database is updated daily, and provincial staff is responsible for the data quality in their own regions. Phase 2: Analysis and implementation of CVO. Technical Implementation Legislative reforms. Spread the new strategy. Procedures simplification. Diffusion campaigns Services : Literal Cadastral data query and certification for citizens Administrations and public bodies Exchange system for Cadastral files Browser and display of cadastral maps, and certifications with both graphic and alphanu.

25 Phase 3: Establish direct interoperability with external systems.
With the Services: Massive data exchange using XML formats. Public Web services to obtain cadastral codes, owners or cadastral certifications. Web Map Services to use cadastral data maps directly from other GIS systems. The OVC has made a significant progress as a result of the demands of the citizens, of the public administrations and of the collaborating institutions that has made it more user-oriented, inclusive and interoperable. What Next: The aim is provide added value services using PKY systems. Appointment request. Services for personal data correction or to access to procedures. Filing Cadastral declarations in Internet. Electronic payment systems 3D Cadastre in internet (sketches per floor)

26 PROJECT CHALLENGE: To be used by a large number of users (citizens, administrations) independently of their technical background OBSTACLES: OBSTACLE 1: Penetration in small administrations and resistance to change SOLUTION: Excellent work of the personnel of the regional offices. OBSTACLE 2:Legal restrictions to data accessibility in accordance with Spanish data protection law SOLUTION: register user, owner access and free access OBSTACLE 3: Digital gap. How to be use by citizens without electronic certification or without Internet access (rural areas) SOLUTION:Spain has now progressed to the e-DNI (electronic National Identity Card), so in a few years all citizens will have an X509 digital certificate SOLUTION: Cadastral information points using CVO

27 Cadastral Information Points (“Puntos de Información catastral” PIC)
A net of collaborating agents has been established and has been consolidated, This collaborators' net is based on agreements with the local administrations that are nearer to the citizen, thereby achieving an example of institutional collaboration. In these local administrations Cadastral Information Points has been installed. They are a normal PC with access to the CVO, managed by a civil servant belonging to the local administration, which allow the citizens, in case they have no telematic means, to have access to different cadastral services without the need to go to the cadastral provincial offices. The simplicity and comfort of the new procedure of access to the cadastral information through the PIC brings the CVO close to all the citizens without exclusion. This initiative has been a great success and already around PIC exist all over the country

28 CVO RESULTS. Some figures
GLOBAL RESULTS (since May 2003) registered users More than 26 M visits More than 5.3 M cadastral certificates issued 12.5 M queries to protected cadastral data 86.8 M queries to non-protected cadastral data 186 M maps served DAILY FIGURES: More than cadastral certificates issued information requests for protected cadastral data information requests for non-protected cadastral data 1.1 M maps served

29 RESULTS. Yearly evolution
May 2007: more than 26M

30 RESULTS. Social impact of the CVO
May 2007 , more than 5.3 M by CVO

Reduction citizen visits to cadastral offices for information requests Reduction of queues in cadastral office Saving time of citizens Speed up administrative procedures Time and resources to be dedicated to data base maintenance Direct cost reduction: requests and certificates free of charge. e-Administration is anywhere: no need for moving to cadastral offices. Information completely guaranteed. Privacy. Improvement of information quality. Encourages cooperation with other administrations. New collaboration scenarios between administrations. Promotes transparency in public services.

32 The Cadastral Virtual Office prepares the Spanish Cadastre to achieve the principles of INSPIRE (Spatial Data Infrastructure .) Spatial data needed for good governance should be available on conditions that are not restricting its extensive use. It should be easy to discover which spatial data is available, to evaluate its fitness for purpose and to know which conditions apply for its use Data should be collected once and maintained at the level where this can be done most effectively. It should be possible to combine spatial data from different sources and share it between many users and applications Spatial data should be collected at one level of government and shared between all levels.

33 LESSONS LEARNED Society (citizens and administrations) is strongly interested in electronic services easy to use and with important added value. This has permitted that the use of the CVO represents a re-organisation in services and processes, which has maded the cadastral administration more efficient and effective Collaboration between administrations as a basis to approach the COV services to all the citizens. Mechanisms that allow continuous communication with users (polls, suggestion and problem report mechanisms) provide a feedback useful to manage the project. The CVO has made a significant progress as a result of the demands of the citizens, of the public administrations and of the collaborating institutions that has made it more user-oriented, inclusive and interoperable. And we must be ready for the challenges of the new European Enviromental Policy (INSPIRE) based on interoperability.



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