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Objective 12.01 Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 12.01 Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 12.01 Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War

2 Yasser Arafat- Palestine Nationalism (PLO) Leader the Palestinian Liberation Army/radical Islamic group

3 US invasion of Lebanon Terrorists threatened ambassadors of the US/ US was there to oversee the removal of the PLO from Lebanon

4 Yom Kippur War Arab countries tried to attack Israel during the New Years celebration 1973

5 Camp David Accords Agreement between Egypt and Israel, Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat meet with President Carter to sign first peace agreement between Arab country and Israel.

6 Anwar el- Sadat Egypt’s leader during the Camp David Accords

7 Menachem Begin Israel’s leader at the Camp David Accords

8 Shah of Iran US supported leader of Iran

9 Ayatolla Khomeni Religious leader in Iran, overthrew the government of the Shah

10 Iranian Hostage Crisis US ambassadors held hostage in Iran during the Carter Administration

11 Jimmy Carter President of the US from 1976- 1980 known for Camp David Accords and Iranian Hostage Crisis

12 Famine/ Somalia and Ethiopia US relief effort protected by the US Marines

13 Foreign Debt Caused by uneven balance of trade and the borrowing of money on the world market Much of our Debt is with China

14 Apartheid Segregation in South Africa where the white minority ruled over the African majority

15 Nelson Mandela First Black President of South Africa after being released from prison because of his protest of Apartheid

16 Helsinki Accords Nations from all over the world meet in Helsinki to discuss human rights 1975

17 Strategic Defense Initiative Star Wars/ massive build-up of defense during the Reagan administration

18 Iran-Contra Affair Exchange of weapons for hostages under President Reagan

19 INF Treaty Treaty to do away with Intermediate Nuclear Weapons

20 Mikhail Gorbachev Last Soviet Premier of the Soviet Union. Glasnost/Perestroika

21 Saddam Hussein Practiced genocide against the Kurds in his country, attacked Kuwait, removed from office by the US during the war in Iraq

22 Persian Gulf Wars Iraq attacked Kuwait and US went in to stop it under George H. Bush. US return to Iraq under George W. Bush because of Iraqi genocide and weapons of mass destruction

23 Fall of the Berlin Wall Symbol of the Iron curtain, fall signaled the end of the cold war and the fall of communism

24 Tiananmen Square Chinese students protest for freedom, government send troops in to put down the protests

25 Helsinki Accords 1975, Thirty-five states signed the declaration, which was an attempt to improve the relations between the Communist bloc and the West.

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