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Don’t Throw Away, Recycle for Another Day! Recycling Project at Jefferson Daphne Martin & Misty Pratt.

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Presentation on theme: "Don’t Throw Away, Recycle for Another Day! Recycling Project at Jefferson Daphne Martin & Misty Pratt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Don’t Throw Away, Recycle for Another Day! Recycling Project at Jefferson Daphne Martin & Misty Pratt

2 Why We Chose Recycling We decided to do recycling because, working at the school, we see so much waste each and every day. Tons of paper just goes in the trash and many times while making copies, people mess up and the mistakes are just thrown away. We also have soda machines that dispense plastic bottles and many of our staff utilize them and then throw the bottles into the trash. We see a lot of waste that could be recycled. Several of the students do not understand what recycling is and what can be recycled. So, we thought it would be a great teaching opportunity and then we would also be able to see how it affected the children. We are hoping that the things they learn from participating in this recycling program will be incorporated into their home lives.

3 Community Involvement Community members have been more than willing to support our school recycling program. Western Waste Services donated 5 outside recycling dumpsters as well as bi-weekly pickup. Our local Valley Co-op helped us purchase a wagon to haul classroom recycling bins.

4 We were able to go visit all of the classrooms at Jefferson Elementary and talk with the students about recycling. We discussed what can be recycled and some benefits of recycling. Our presentation focused mostly on paper and plastic bottles since that is where most of our school waste comes from. We also discussed where the bins are located and informed them that they are going to be responsible for picking up the recycling cans and dumping them into the outside bins as part of the Leader In Me Program. Classroom Presentations

5 We shared fun facts on how recycling is beneficial and let them share what they already knew about it. The students and staff members are really excited to participate in the school wide recycling project.

6 Students Help Out The students at Jefferson are eager to participate. After only one day, some of the classroom bins already needed dumped. These two students volunteered to be the first helpers.

7 Student Helpers Another picture of a first grader dumping the classroom container into the outside bins.

8 Earth Day Activities As part of our recycling program, we gave each teacher a packet of recycling activities that they could use on Earth Day to further promote the recycling program and the benefits of it.

9 Creative Ways To Recycle We also taught the kids that recycling is more than just collecting things in a bin. It is also reusing items to make something new. This is one of the art projects that a first grade class did using only recycled items.

10 Recycling Bins In Action Recycling has been a huge success in our school! Students and teachers are so excited to help recycle!

11 Because recycling has been so successful, we are needing to dump the bins two times a week. The kids are enjoying their leadership roles by being responsible for collecting recycling bins from the classrooms.

12 Documentation: Our Proposal To The School Approved March 30, 2015

13 Documentation This is our contract with Western Waste Services.

14 Reflections The recycling program has been a huge success at Jefferson Elementary. Students and staff members have been very supportive and appreciative. They are having fun recycling and have also done some classroom projects using recycled goods. We are grateful that we have been allowed to work hand-in-hand with the school’s Leader In Me program and give students the ability to maintain and take ownership of the program. The children have played an active role in recycling and are excited to share it with their families and anyone who will listen. We are grateful for the support that local businesses have shown to our school recycling program and for all the participation and knowledge it has brought to Jefferson Elementary.

15 Resources These are the websites we used to put together our classroom presentation and packet. (A.Young, personal communication, February 23, 2015) Recycling Readings and Printables (1st/5th Grade). (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from Printables-1st5th-Grade-1160640 Printables-1st5th-Grade-1160640 Fun Recycling Facts for Kids - Plastic, Paper, Glass, Aluminum, Recycled Waste. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from Recycling for Kids - Fun Experiments, Free Games, Cool Projects, Science Online. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from

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