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Welcome to the… EFCA St. Louis/Eastern Missouri Ministry Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the… EFCA St. Louis/Eastern Missouri Ministry Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the… EFCA St. Louis/Eastern Missouri Ministry Community

2 10:00 Gather 10:30Morning Session 11:30Lunch 12:00Afternoon session 1:15Prayer 1:30Adjourn

3 Missions TO and FROM Europe

4 Missions Global / Europe Needs –Population Index: Approximately 6.25 Billion People on Planet Earth Half the people who have EVER lived on planet Earth are alive today! –Wealth Index: 54% of the world’s population lives on less than approximately 2.1€ per day Almost 92% of the world’s population lives on less than approximately 7700€ per year or 21.1€ per day In Rural China the nearly 1 billion peasants will see less than 15.5€ per YEAR!

5 Missions –Europe Populations: Approximately 800 million people in Europe There are approximately 365 cities in this area that account for approximately 50% of Europe’s population. –Europe Evangelical Christian Index: Approximately 1–2% in Europe are evangelical Christians. Bosnia has approximately.001% evangelical Christian population, Poland approximately.01%, Romania approximately 4%.

6 St. Louis Needs ((according to 2000 census) 348,189 living in St. Louis 43.85% white // 51.2% African Americans / 2% Asian / 2% Hispanic 33.7 is median age 16% vacant housing

7 St. Louis Needs (St. Louis Violent Crime Data 2006) Murders: 129 Rapes: 337 Robberies: 3,147 Aggravated Assault: 4,992 Larceny Thefts: 23,596 Vehicle Thefts: 8,645

8 St. Louis Needs (compared to Detroit, MI per 100,000 people in ‘06) STL DET NAT Murder: 37.2 47.3 7 Rape: 97.15 67.05 32.2 Robbery: 907.2 818.6 205.8 A. Assault: 1439.1 1486.0 336.5 Burglary: 2453.3 2406.8 2601.7 Larc. Th: 6802.4 2406.8 2601.7 Veh. Theft: 2492.2 2591.1 501.5

9 Question: Can we keep doing the same thing in the same way … and expect to see different results? We need to change.

10 Evolution of ReachGlobal Church Planting This is ADDITION. –It moves too slowly to ever catch up with the world’s (local) needs. We must work harder to MULTIPLY church planting and leaders / workers Church Plant #1 Church Plant #2 Church Plant #3

11 All believers (global / local) in every country speaking every language from every walk of life! (not just professionals!) This effort will require…

12 Mission Principle: Movement growth is directly related to the number of leaders/workers “Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”

13 Two Eternal Truths: The harvest is always plentiful The laborers/workers/leaders are always few _____________________________ “Jesus said, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”

14 Paradox / Tension Urgency of the harvest Lk.10:3-11 God reveals Himself Lk.10: 20-24 (vs.23) Leads to intentionality (not frenzy nor calm)

15 Evolution of a ReachGlobal Missionary Missionary comes to pastor churches with needs Missionary comes to church plant new churches, then pastors Missionary comes to church plant alongside national church planter as a coach, mentor, encourager, but does not pastor and is not the lead church planter Missionary facilitates, catalyzes, networks, and trains others to church plant

16 Leadership Principle: Widen the Funnel and Pray! The rule of “winnowing” in leadership: To have a final group of 10, you must start with many more than 10! Therefore, if we need more workers, our funnel at the beginning must be larger.

17 Widen the Funnel and Pray! This has been a foundational problem for ReachGlobal: –High priority on Theologically-trained workers We are widening the funnel… –Including doctors, nurses, computer technicians, business people, administrators… –More involved with holistic needs around the globe with a spiritual emphasis

18 Widen the Funnel and Pray! NEW HIGH PRIORITY: Spiritual and emotional health rather than theological training. We can train skills and offer education, but it is hard to transfer health / character.

19 ReachGlobal Philosophy We are about releasing people! We are changing ReachGlobal to focus on developing, empowering and releasing healthy leaders to multiply healthy churches among all people!

20 Develop. Empower. Release. 1.Find Healthy People to put into the funnel, no matter what their walk in life 2.DEVELOP them in their walk and understanding of the Christian life and leadership 3.EMPOWER them with the space and permission to be creative, using their God-given gifts, passions and experience to multiply healthy churches. 4.RELEASE the creative energy and the imagination of people to use their gifts and passions for kingdom building rather than personal rewards!

21 Cairo, Egypt Garbage City: Creative Efforts Marginalized People The Holy Spirit in Action!







28 Develop. Empower. Release. How can we work together in Europe? In the World? In St. Louis? Widening the funnel…together with partnerships and internships

29 New Opportunities Be a resource –A platform for groups of churches to send missionaries –(ex: EFCC in Hong Kong) Offer organization –For groups of churches in various regions to send their own missionaries on short-term or long-term missionary efforts –(ex: French without Borders) Train leaders –All types of ministry skills and theological education –(ex: Sudan / Rwanda / Joshua Team)

30 New Opportunities! Connect churches –Partnerships in church planting and other kingdom-building efforts –(ex: East Germany, USA and Poland) Arrange ReachGlobal organizations –In other areas of the world where ReachGlobal USA will probably never send missionaries –(i.e.: Middle East, Indonesia) Compassion and Business Platforms (TouchGlobal) –Serving church planting efforts

31 New Opportunities! Live 0 – “Live to the Power of Nothing” –2-year post-university teams –urban outreach and development efforts alongside our church planters Join with other missions –Church planting / training in cities to reach cities –We are presently in 32 European cities and want to expand to 50! Will you help send people to join our teams?

32 Mission Driven by vision and values, not by policies and rules. Allows our organization to be more fluid, creative, flexible and open to change to meet the staggering needs we face today.

33 Creative Ministry Mission Guiding Principles Strategic Focus Health The Sandbox

34 The ReachGlobal Sandbox Mission/Purpose –ReachGlobal (EFCA International Mission) exists to glorify God by multiplying healthy churches among all people. Health –We are committed to healthy people, living in healthy community, training healthy leaders to multiply healthy churches. Strategic Focus –Internally, ReachGlobal must develop, empower and release healthy ReachGlobal personnel. –Externally, ReachGlobal must develop, empower and release healthy national leaders. Guiding Principles –How it will happen…

35 Guiding Principles We are Spirit-empowered We are team-led and team-driven We are partnership-driven We empower personnel We practice entrepreneurial thinking We measure effectiveness

36 Guiding Principles We do multiplication rather than addition We are a learning organization We resource for maximum ministry We take a holistic approach

37 Welcome to the… EFCA St. Louis/Eastern Missouri Ministry Community

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