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The immersion classroom. What is ‘immersion’ teaching?

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Presentation on theme: "The immersion classroom. What is ‘immersion’ teaching?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The immersion classroom

2 What is ‘immersion’ teaching?

3 Why immersion? Confidence in language manipulation from the start Immediate meaningful success for the pupil in communicating in the foreign language Motivation Intensive training in higher order thinking skills Encourage risk taking Personalised learning and engagement Understand communication strategies such as non-verbal clues and intonation

4 IMMERSION PRINCIPLES Immersion start when students cross the door step Have clear instructions in the TL Point to posters and hub where appropriate Use modelling instead of English Encourage students to refer to their books, independent learning Use gesturing get students to feedback to/correct others (active listening) Use examples from lesson to introduce grammar plan (e.g ‘ comment dit-on slowly? = grammar point on adverbs with rule) Give students thinking time

5 Activity – What can we do to develop the immersion classroom and encourage spontaneous speech? Circle time Diversion is investment - exploit naturally occurring situations Modelling Don ’ t appear to respond to English Language hubs on the walls – and exploit them Rewards Teams Challenge Give them time to think on the spot Pupils keep personalised list of ‘ talk ’ vocab Peer pressure and help Humour … there ’ s no substitute for persistence!

6 Teaching spontaneous talk - examples Video 1 –clip from y7 lesson, bottom set Video 2 – y8/9 video 8 on pdc website (fall off chair/eating rabbit 1min40-2min40)

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