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How to Lead a Dental Team Dr. Brooke Elmore, 2006-07 president Dr. Chris Salierno, 2004-05 president.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Lead a Dental Team Dr. Brooke Elmore, 2006-07 president Dr. Chris Salierno, 2004-05 president."— Presentation transcript:

1 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet How to Lead a Dental Team Dr. Brooke Elmore, 2006-07 president Dr. Chris Salierno, 2004-05 president

2 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet “Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves its amazing what they can accomplish.” -Sam Walton

3 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Dr. Brooke’s Team

4 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Dr. Chris’s Team

5 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet How Not to “Stink” as a Leader Don’t be a pansy You must deliver results Have an opinion Make a decision Keep good moral character Make lots of friends (Be nice!) Borrowed from

6 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet SET a Good Example Be on time Review charts and be prepared for the day Have a good attitude (positive personality) Be fair (no favoritism)

7 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet LISTEN to your staff Weekly staff meetings Comment Box- staff can make anonymous suggestions Yearly/quarterly staff evaluations

8 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet PRAISE your staff Employee of the Month Bonuses Hand written notes Compliments on excellent work HUMAN BEINGS CRAVE POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT

9 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet GIVE them Incentives! Goal Oriented “Grab Bag” Gatherings Referral Program Treatment Accepted Keep it new!

10 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet

11 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet CRITIQUE your staff Consequences of being “too nice” Private versus public

12 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet

13 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet I made a mistake. We need to improve this. You did great.

14 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet There is no “I” in “TEAM”

15 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet

16 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet

17 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Don’t forget you are their Leader Be close but not too close Non-existent age gap Be objective Overcoming the “friend” mentality

18 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Social Media Do you “friend” your staff????? If you do, be careful what you post.

19 #ASDAnet @ASDAnet Leadership qualities that attract valuable staff Innovative Inspirational Visionary Hard-working Empathetic Empowering

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