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Social Structure and Interaction. Macro V. Microsociology  Macro: Focuses on broad Features of society  Examples?  Micro: Examines Social Interaction.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Structure and Interaction. Macro V. Microsociology  Macro: Focuses on broad Features of society  Examples?  Micro: Examines Social Interaction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Structure and Interaction

2 Macro V. Microsociology  Macro: Focuses on broad Features of society  Examples?  Micro: Examines Social Interaction  Examples?

3 Macrosociology  Social Structure: Typical patterns of a group  fWphE0 fWphE0  What Patterns did you see?  Why was the leader angry?

4 Social Status  Is your social ranking  Ascribed Status: Involuntary  Achieved Status: Voluntary  Master Status: consistent across all statuses  Activity: With a partner think of a famous person who has these statuses. DO NOT TELL ANYONE! The class will guess who this person is!

5 Social Intuitions  The ways by which society meets its basic needs  What are some examples of this?  Does these institutions provide for the community or for themselves?

6 Functionalist Perspective  Every society has social intuitions  5 Social intuitions a society must have to survive 1. Must replace members 2. Socialize new members 3. Produce and distribute resources 4. Preserve order 5. Purpose

7 Conflict Perspective  Social intuitions exist but they do not work for the common good  Ex: The One percent

8 Marco Activity  You and a partner will create your own society and present it to the class.  Create society  It must contain:  The 5 necessary intuitions  A Dark underbelly What is this society or a part of this society really trying to do.  Creativity

9 Microsociology: The Game of Life  Looks at society at the smallest scale  At least 2 people  Society gives shape and limits  How do you deal with social rules that guide you?  How do you use them to your advantage?  What do you do when you encounter someone who does not play by the same rules?

10 Sociology and Psychology  In order to study society on a small scale a sociologists must also understand psychology  Groups of people are predictable  Individuals are not

11 Social Facts  Aggregate fact: a summary of a fact about a number of smaller things  Examples?  How do these examples affect you life?

12 The Rule Continuum  Structure--------------------------------------Culture  Structure :Hard Rules  Ex: Money  Culture: Soft Rules  Ex: Fashion

13 The Cultural Tool Kit (your survival guide)  The cultural knowledge you keep in your head  Used in different social contexts  Teacher/Rugby Player  Code Switching: adapting to different social contexts

14 Societies Paradox  You can choose how to behave, but your background provides your familiar behaviors and future choices  When you think about who you are what are you really thinking?  How your similar to and different from everyone else

15 Choice: How do we make decisions?  Rational Choice  Everyone tries to rationalize their choices  Examples?  Online match making!

16 Irrational Decisions  Sub-Optimal choices  Finding a girl friend  Deliberately make irrational decisions  Gambling  Emotion  Food  Altruism (Generosity)  Example?

17 Social Frames:  Erving Goffman  Social Frame: peoples interpretation of a given interaction  How can I use this to my advantage?  Cheat information  Asking for money  Donations  Others?

18 Symbolic Interaction  Human Interaction in a Social Context  Symbolic: The Range of signs and symbols that have meaning  Interaction: Between two or more people

19 Stereotypes  Assumptions of what people might be like  Game  Class Feud  On your Side of the room: come up with 3 groups of people  Come up with three sentences about each group  Winning group goes to the Grab Bag

20 Personal Space  Our personal Bubble: The Distance we like to keep from one another 1. Intimate Space: 18 inches from our bodies 2. Personal Space: 18inches -4 feet 3. Social Distance: 4-12 feet 4. Public distance: 12 feet

21 Dramaturgy: The Presentation of Self  Erving Goffman  We paly our Assigned Role  Front Stage: Delivering the performance  Back Stage: Where we are ourselves

22 The Actor (aka: You!)  Role performance: your style and personality in the role.  Examples?  Role Conflict: Between Roles  Examples?  Role strain: Conflict within roles  Examples?

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