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Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 ROUND TABLE - PROSODY Giovanna Marotta Università di Pisa.

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Presentation on theme: "Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 ROUND TABLE - PROSODY Giovanna Marotta Università di Pisa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 ROUND TABLE - PROSODY Giovanna Marotta Università di Pisa

2 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Round Table Maria Paola D’IMPERIO Daniel HIRST Philippe MARTIN

3 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Round Table Proceedings ICPhS (1999; 2003) > 100 papers on intonation. Speech Prosody (2002; 2004) > two thirds of papers on intonation.

4 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Round Table Development of studies on intonation two different, autonomous, but conspiring elements contributed to the development of the research on intonation: 1) applied research on the synthesis; 2)non-linear phonological models

5 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Phonology of intonation is it possible to deal with intonation in phonological terms?? even in those systems where tone is not lexically contrastive? caveat : F. de Saussure: the object of the research is given by the point of view assumed.

6 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Phonology of intonation - I 1. Which is the meaning of the word phonological ?? I-language – E-language  a tonal contrast might be phonological only if it engages a variation of meaning at the level of linguistic competence

7 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Phonology of intonation - II 2. Melodic variations relative to differences at pragmatic/sociolinguistic level may be considered as phonological?  without being phonological, do they belong to the boundary levels of pragmaphonetics and sociophonetics?

8 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Phonology of intonation - III 3. Which kind of prosodic competence does the native speaker in a language where tone is not lexical?  Is it of the same type of the awareness he has with respect to the segmental level of the phonetic string?

9 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Round Table - Material a sample of utterances different syntactic structure and pragmatic modality five varieties of Italian: Florence, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Turin

10 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 On a particular regional variety 1. Do you take into account the phonetic variation within a single variety? How can it be coded? 2. Regarding the variation due to pragmatic and paralinguistic phenomena: would your preliminary analysis account for it? which phenomena would be considered? how would they be coded?

11 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 Contrastive analysis of Italian varieties 1. Which method would you use for the comparison? What would you compare? 2. What type of differences should be present in order to speak of different phonological systems?

12 Salerno- AISV 12-1-2005 According to your approach 1. Which considerations can be made on the basis of this limited amount of data? 2. What is the usefulness of (semi)spontaneous speech as material for prosodic analysis? 3. According to you, what is the ideal material for studying prosody?

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