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Dress Code Article Definitions. crack down on – take severe measures against, for the purpose of preventing something bad leggings (n.) – tight-fitting.

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Presentation on theme: "Dress Code Article Definitions. crack down on – take severe measures against, for the purpose of preventing something bad leggings (n.) – tight-fitting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dress Code Article Definitions

2 crack down on – take severe measures against, for the purpose of preventing something bad leggings (n.) – tight-fitting stretch pants worn by women and children pants (n.) – trousers, slacks distraction (n.) – a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else

3 Junior High (School) – similar to middle school, but usually only includes grades 7 and 8 headline (n.) – a heading (short line of text) at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine making headlines – becoming the most important news story enforce (v.) – to compel / force / make someone comply with (obey / follow) a law or rule

4 conservative (adj.) – holding to traditional attitudes and values on campus – within the boundaries of a school, hospital, or other institution garner (v.) – gather, collect, or receive something, especially information, approval, or attention. label (v.) – assign to a category, especially inaccurately or restrictively.

5 initially (adv.) – at first, in the beginning spark (v.) – provide the stimulus for a dramatic event or process uproar (n.) – a public expression of protest or outrage spark an uproar – cause a public expression of protest / outrage assembly (n.) – a large meeting of people for a specific purpose yoga pants (n.) – flexible form-fitting pants used for yoga and other activities

6 skinny jeans (n.) slim-fitting pants / jeans

7 clarify (v.) – make (a statement or situation) less confused and more clearly understandable widespread (adj.) – found or distributed over a large area or number of people under (prep.) [in this context] – used to express dominance or control under the (new) policy – with the enforcement / control of the rules

8 flag (v.) – to point out someone who has broken a rule baggy (adj.) – (of clothes) loose-fitting and hanging in folds expose (v.) – make (something) visible, typically by uncovering it address (v.) – to deal with an issue or problem attire (n.) – clothes, especially fine or formal ones sheer (adj.) – (of a fabric) very thin, often “see-through”

9 undergarments (n.) – underclothing, underwear wardrobe (n.) – a person’s entire collection of clothes like [informal] – used in speech (often by teenagers) as a meaningless filler kind of [informal] – to some extent, a little bit (often expressing vagueness or used as a meaningless filler) a big deal [informal] – a situation / event considered important

10 estimate (v.) – to roughly calculate or judge the value, number, or extent of something dozen (n.) – twelve of something; [informal] a lot of something (usually: dozens) focused on – concentrated on; pay particular attention to respectable (adj.) – regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct deem (v.) – to regard or consider something in a specified way

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