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Chapter 7 Sec.1 “The French Revolution”. First Estate Clergy-high ranking bishops and abbots About 1% of population Owned about 10% of land No direct.

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1 Chapter 7 Sec.1 “The French Revolution”

2 First Estate Clergy-high ranking bishops and abbots About 1% of population Owned about 10% of land No direct taxes

3 Second Estate Titled nobility About 1% of the population Owned about 20% of land No direct taxes

4 3 rd Estate Bourgeoisie (middle class)- bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors. Peasants made up about 90% of this class (poorest members) Made up about 97%-98% of the population in France Owned about 70% of the land Paid taxes

5 I. Financial Crisis a.Deficit Spending-government was spending more money than it was taking in b.Crumbling Economy- BAD HARVEST-food prices were soaring- shortage of bread c.Failure to Reform 1)King Louis XVI dismissed Jacques Necker when he proposed taxing the 1 st /2 nd Estates 2)Wealthy, powerful classes demanded King call Estates General before making changes. They wanted to be guaranteed their privileges. 3)1788- Bread riots by the peasants and royals started denouncing royal tyranny 4)May 1789- Louis XVI summoned Estates General to meet at Versailles because France was on the verge of bankruptcy and riots were spreading

6 II. National Assembly Delegates a)Delegates were elected by the 3 rd estate. Only white propertied men could vote b)Went to Versailles to meet with 1 st /2 nd estates and King Louis XVI to solve financial crisis and insist on reform c)The 3 estates were deadlocked over voting: 1 st /2 nd estates wanted each estate to meet separately and then vote as a group; 3 rd estate wanted to meet as a group and vote as a group d)3 rd estate was then locked out of the meeting by Louis XVI e)Delegates from the 3 rd estate moved meeting to indoor Tennis Court. Signed the Tennis Court Oath- saying they would remain assembled until France had a new constitution f)3 rd estate transferred themselves into the National Assembly, They:  Nationalized church lands  Issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man  Supported the Reign of Terror

7 g)Jacques Necker was brought back in to solve financial crisis h)Necker let go again by Louis XVI i)Food shortages grew worse j)July 14, 1789- STORMING THE BASTILLE. Now a national French Holiday known as “Bastille Day”

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