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Friendship By Dominic Chris and Tom When we fall out.

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Presentation on theme: "Friendship By Dominic Chris and Tom When we fall out."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friendship By Dominic Chris and Tom When we fall out

2 Different races joining together To the right we haveTo the right we have mixed races engaging together in friendship.



5 Jesus’ Words Jesus said, “I call you friends because I have opened my heart to you.” Jesus said, “I call you friends because I have opened my heart to you.”

6 When I Fall Out With Friends Lord, I thought I knew them and I called them a friend. But it was those closest to me at school who have let me down. I trusted, I shared my secrets and I came to rely on them for understanding, a bit of a laugh and a place to talk. I thought we had a friendship. Lord, I thought I knew them and I called them a friend. But it was those closest to me at school who have let me down. I trusted, I shared my secrets and I came to rely on them for understanding, a bit of a laugh and a place to talk. I thought we had a friendship.

7 Now I feel alone and I don’t know who to trust. Maybe I am expecting too much, after all no one is perfect. Should I give up on them? Or start again? Help me Lord to do the right thing, and thank you for being my inner friend Now I feel alone and I don’t know who to trust. Maybe I am expecting too much, after all no one is perfect. Should I give up on them? Or start again? Help me Lord to do the right thing, and thank you for being my inner friend who never lets me down. who never lets me down. AMEN AMEN


9 You need to forgive others again and again, especially friends

10 Jesus says we should forgive others……

11 ……not just seven times but seventy seven times How often should you forgive another person?

12 If I can forgive, in time, those who have hurt me……

13 ……I can be free of the past and more confident in being myself……I can be free of the past and more confident in being myself

14 So help me Lord, to reach out my hand in apology to others and admit when I need forgiveness. Then I will deepen my friendship and make it real and honest.So help me Lord, to reach out my hand in apology to others and admit when I need forgiveness. Then I will deepen my friendship and make it real and honest. Help me to be honest with myself and with you at the end of each day and not get trapped by the sadness of past mistakes.Help me to be honest with myself and with you at the end of each day and not get trapped by the sadness of past mistakes. AMENAMEN

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