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WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM Is Proud to Announce the Wai Ola Project in India Wai Ola is “ Water for Life” From the Island of Kauai, Hawaii, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM Is Proud to Announce the Wai Ola Project in India Wai Ola is “ Water for Life” From the Island of Kauai, Hawaii, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM Is Proud to Announce the Wai Ola Project in India Wai Ola is “ Water for Life” From the Island of Kauai, Hawaii, USA we are proud to introduce to India the Wai Ola Drinking Water System “The Only Drinking Water System You Will Ever Need”

2 WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM Wai Ola Project Mission Statement To Protect Our Life Giving Waters for Our Children and Future Generations. Wai Ola Vision Statement To Make Certain the Children of India have Clean, Safe and Good Tasting Drinking Water.

3 Need for Point of Use Water Purification In India, 80 percent of all diseases are reported to be caused by water borne micro organisms. Our tap water is not as safe as it was during our forefather’s time….. How pure is your purified water ? Problems with Boiling water Water contains chlorine, lead, fluoride, rust, pesticides and heavy metals. The pipes that municipal water flows through are often rusty.

4 Can We Depend on Bottled Water? Bottled water is not always filtered. Bottled water is not necessarily cleaner or safer than most tap water. About one-third of the waters tested contained levels of contamination including synthetic organic chemical, bacteria and arsenic In fact, about a quarter of all bottled water is actually bottled tap water, according to government and industry estimates.

5 From the group that originated and introduced the concept of water filtration application into refrigerators worldwide. Wai Ola now brings you the only Drinking Water System (DWS) that you will ever need. Now you can take control of your family’s drinking water need at the Point-of-Use (POU) in all situations. We have combined fine filtration and purification in a single high capacity, easy-change cartridge. The Wai Ola Drinking Water System can go from your home to any non potable water source and back to your home. WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

6 Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Never Buy Bottled Water Again Reduce Plastic Waste for a Healthier Environment Custom Patented Carbon Block Custom Patented 0.2 Micron Membrane Best Available Technology (BAT) – most cost effective means to provide your family safe and pure drinking water at the Point-of-Use (POU) Last Inch Technology (LIT TM ) – provides water security from floods, cyclones, heavy load-sheddings, blackouts and more.

7 It’s Like Having Mineral Water Machine Right Under Your Sink

8 Protect your family from bacteria, viruses, cysts, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, toxins, heavy metals, lead, atrazine, PCB’s and more, even in emergencies when there is no power and no running water. WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

9 Easy Bucket/Pump Attachment for Use Outside of Home and During Emergencies When There Is No Power/No Water Pressure

10 Good for homes, schools, fire stations, police stations, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, businesses, offices and more. WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

11 Produces Drinking Water from rivers, streams, springs, wells and water catchment systems. WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

12 YOUR WELL WATER COULD BE KILLING YOU… …AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT!! ELIMINATE CONTAMINANTS THAT CAN AFFECT YOUR HEALTH, AND NUISANCE CONTAMINANTS IN YOUR WELL WATER THAT CAN CAUSE BAD ODORS AND TASTE Nuisance Contaminants are easy to spot— your water smells like ‘rotten eggs’ or other unpleasant odors; when you drink the water, it tastes ‘funny’. But, the Health-Risk Contaminants are not so obvious at all. You only know you have a problem when you or members of your family begin to have unexplained health issues like stomach aches or other gastrointestinal disorders. Chlorinating your well on a regular basis gets rid of most, if not all, of the contaminants that cause both health related and taste and odor related issues. If you do chlorinate your well, you will end up with safe, clean and good tasting water for you and your family. If you are drinking bottled water today because you don’t trust your well water, now you can stop spending all that money and stop putting plastic water bottles in our landfills. WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

13 HOW SAFE IS YOUR DRINKING WATER? If your drinking water comes from a municipal water system, special issues can arise that calls for you to test your water. These include: The age of the distribution system The type and age of the plumbing in your house Your relative location on a community water line Natural events such as droughts or floods Unusual disturbance in the water distribution system You need to know what’s in your water so you can then take the right steps to correct any problems or contaminants in the water. WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

14 Incredible PSI range 5 PSI to 80 PSI Hawaiian Grown Concept Made in the USA


16 NABL Drinking Water Certification

17 Although system is rated for Max Pressure for 125 PSI, system should only be installed on water supplies of 80 PSI or less, unless a pressure-limiting device is used Under Counter Installation Full-flow ability to treat all the cold water going to any faucet in your house or business No separate faucet needed No drain connection needed Easy hookup and reliable pressure to icemaker Dry, sanitary, no-tools cartridge change Proprietary Manifold and Cartridge Interface Built-in Auto Valve shutoff for easy cartridge change WAI OLA GLOBAL DRINKING WATER SYSTEM

18 Comparison of Under Sink Water Filtration Kent Under Sink Filters Compared to the Wai Ola Under Sink Filter Kent Under Sink Filters Capacity Water Pressure Power Purification Filter Maximum Weight Kent Excell+ - Rs. 18,000 15LPH 4-42psi 60W 15L/Hr. RO/UV/UF 75LPD 11kg. Carbon Block Kent Elite – Rs. 32,000 15LPH 4-42psi 60W 25L/Hr. RO/UV/UF N/A 14kg. Carbon Block Kent Elite II – Rs. 57,000 15LPH 4-42psi +60W 50L/Hr. RO/UF/TDS 250LPD 28kg. Carbon Block All Kent Warranties are 1 year except for Carbon Block, which is 6 months. WAI OLA FILTER – Rs. 12,400 412LPH 5-80psi No Power 412L/Hr. 1000x Carbon Block 9,000LPD 5kg. Required 3 – 0.2 Membranes Manufactured in the USA Warranty – 22,000 liters or 1 year/Replacement Cartridges Available with a Phone Call. Wai Ola Filter is a Patented Membrane/Carbon Block Hybrid System with the Carbon Block having 1000X the density of competing carbon block based systems. The actual internal design technology is a trade secret.


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