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CONFLICT OF INTEREST E-FILE FORM 700. COI - Who is Required to File Any person (employee or consultant) who makes or participates in the decision making.

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Presentation on theme: "CONFLICT OF INTEREST E-FILE FORM 700. COI - Who is Required to File Any person (employee or consultant) who makes or participates in the decision making."— Presentation transcript:


2 COI - Who is Required to File Any person (employee or consultant) who makes or participates in the decision making process. Including any person whose advice is heavily relied upon. e.g. Department Head, Assistant DH, executive management, Purchasing Agents, IT staff, HR staff, Treasurer, CFO, etc. “Everyone wants to be on the filer’s list ---- But no one wants to file……”

3 Legislation….. AB 2607 3-Year e-file Pilot Project – Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Clara, Stanislaus, and Merced Counties and the City of Long Beach OC Filing Officer – 3500 filers, 5000 filings annually Bell visibility has heightened awareness and scrutiny by the FPPC regarding financial matters Department Contacts – Manage Filers electronically and can electronically request Code Amendments ensuring an accurate database “Go Green” system – NO PAPER

4 Contact Persons Maintain Department, Division Info, e.g. address, etc. Maintain Filer info, Division, email address, adopted position/disclosure category Departments can manage filers by Division GC 18735 – Can transfer filers to other positions internally or to another department

5 Contact Persons….. Track who has/has not filed View filer’s filed Form 700 & Department’s adopted Code Auto notification to filers for assuming, annual & leaving office Form 700s Electronic Code Amendment – once approved by the Board, database auto updates

6 RELIANCE UPON CONTACTS Failure to enter transfer or assuming/leaving office of a filer can cause PENALTIES to filer $10.00 PER DAY – May Not Waive Filers have 30-days from the time they assume office or 30-days from the time they leave office to File their Form 700 without penalty 24-hr access – work or home Department HR staff should be a part of the COI review.

7 E-File Demonstration Department Contact Management of Filer Info…….. We rely on you…

8 Summary….. Easy to use Secured environment Convenient – 24-hour availability Accurate database “Go Green” system

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