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Project objective: To reveal the ways how formal educational systems contribute to lifelong learning and social integration under different types of wider.

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Presentation on theme: "Project objective: To reveal the ways how formal educational systems contribute to lifelong learning and social integration under different types of wider."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project objective: To reveal the ways how formal educational systems contribute to lifelong learning and social integration under different types of wider social and economic contexts, i.e. surrounding institutional packages of European countries Integrated Project LLL2010: Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: the Contribution of Education Systems Leader: Dr. Ellu Saar TPU Institute for International and Social Studies Estonia Participants: 14 European countries

2 Potential project impact Contribution to the implementation of the objectives of “Education & Training 2010” programme and to context- sensitive monitoring of progress in implementation of these objectives: on the country-level - contribute to definition for each country priorities, guiding the reforms and actions as a function of conditions and constraints specific to it. on the EU level - contribute to the attainment of the European objectives, particularly to co-ordinate EU policy on adult education ;

3 Estonia Lithuania Bulgaria Russia Slovenia Czech R. Hungary Norway Austria Belgium Scotland England Ireland Portugal Countries and country regimes involved:

4 Project activities and outcomes I: development of interdisciplinary and transnational methodological approach to research of lifelong learning in formal educational settings; development of transnational data sources, i.e. survey of adult learners in schools and universities; in-depth interviews with schools’ management, employers; analysis of policy documents; defining for education systems country-specific ways of implementation of common EU objectives transnational comparison of country-sepecific institutional ‘packages’ for identification of micro, meso and macro level barriers for participation in lifelong learning;

5 Project activities and outcomes II: Informing the public about the project through web- site, programme brochure, newsletters; Carrying out project workshops, research school; Compiling several country and thematic reports on: –National historical analysis; –Participation of adults in formal learning; –SME and the participation of workers in formal learning; –Developing access of adults to the education systems; –Obstacles for participation; European Conference “The contribution of the education system to lifelong learning”; Publishing the results in book “Adults in the education system: overcoming obstacles for participation”, as articles in international pre-reviewed journals, etc.

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