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Economics & Economic Decision Making Have out your notebook to your economic system’s chart from yesterday. Be ready for a top ten!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Economics & Economic Decision Making Have out your notebook to your economic system’s chart from yesterday. Be ready for a top ten!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics & Economic Decision Making Have out your notebook to your economic system’s chart from yesterday. Be ready for a top ten!!!

2 The Top Ten Longest Land Animals 10.Tiger 9. Camel 8. Bison 7. Hippopotamus 6. Rhinoceros 5. Giraffe 4. Crocodile 3. Elephant 2. Tapeworm 1. Python

3 Have out your systems chart from yesterday: What are the advantages or disadvantages of each system?

4 Traditional Economy Advant ages Dis- advant ages always KNOW ROLE in society STABLE and predictable life BASIC NEEDS provided LOWER STANDARD of living WANTS are not met No NEW IDEAS LACK of progress, NO CHANGE

5 COMMAND Economy Advant ages Dis- advant ages always KNOW ROLE in community Capable of DRAMATIC change BASIC NEEDS provided NEW IDEAS discouraged Requires large GOVERNMENT WANTS not met NO INCENTIVES to get people to work

6 MARKET Economy Advant ages Dis- advant ages Lots of FREEDOM & CHOICE (job / g&s) Lack of GOVERNMENT interference High degree of consumer SATISFACTION NEW IDEAS and productivity are REWARDED People face UNCERTAINTY & FAILURE Does not meet NEEDS of PEOPLE (homeless, hungry, uneducated!!)

7 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON THE CARTOON. TAKE OUT YOUR- Circle of SOCIO-ECONOMIC GOALS We did it on Friday. Look at the Index card you have and determine which goal you think it is trying to meet and WHY?

8 Economic Growth Economic FreedomEconomic Security Economic Efficiency Economic Equity Price StabilityFull Employment

9 The USA has a MIXED, MARKET economy based on a CAPITALIST ideal! MIXED: the U.S. system is a MIX of both MARKET & COMMAND qualities –Citizens have freedoms but gov’t also regulates Capitalism: private CITIZENS OWN the FACTORS of production

10 Question to ponder: The U.S. economic system is often called a mixed system. We are not purely market but also not a command economy. Where do you think we fit on the spectrum?

11 Homework: Take your textbook home Read Pages: 46-51. Complete the question sheet to be collected tomorrow.

12 What is unique about the U.S. economic system? Our 5 Unique Characteristics: 1.Economic Freedom 2.Private Property Rights 3.Voluntary Exchange 4.Competition 5.Profit Motive

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