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Get Ready, Get Set, Get to College!. What to do:  Junior year:  Take the ACT and/or SAT  Visit prospective colleges  Focus on rigorous coursework.

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Presentation on theme: "Get Ready, Get Set, Get to College!. What to do:  Junior year:  Take the ACT and/or SAT  Visit prospective colleges  Focus on rigorous coursework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Ready, Get Set, Get to College!

2 What to do:  Junior year:  Take the ACT and/or SAT  Visit prospective colleges  Focus on rigorous coursework and extra-curriculars  Attend college fairs  Senior year:  Check deadlines for college and scholarship applications  Prepare essays  Request letters of recommendation  Apply for multiple colleges and scholarships!

3 When do I apply?  Fall of Senior year!  Pay attention to early admissions deadlines for guarantee of automatic scholarships (these typically range from Nov 1 st – Dec 15 th )  Receive up to 4 admissions fee waivers, however, some colleges do not accept.

4 What will I need for an application?  Personal/Demographic Information  Family Information (parents level of education and occupations)  Copy of transcript  Senior Year Schedule  Updated Extracurricular Activities Log  Honors and Awards  ACT scores/dates  Application Fee (possible waivers)

5 How do I send my official transcripts?  Pick up transcript request forms from counseling receptionist (Mrs. Metzger’s desk)  First 3 are free, then cost $2.00 (unless on free/reduced lunch)  Official Transcripts have to be sent directly from PHHS, but you have to request to have them sent.  Need parent signature, unless 18 years of age.

6 How do I send my ACT Scores?  Send scores when you sign up to take the ACT.  Send up to 4 scores for free. Additional scores will require a fee.  If scores are not sent when you sign up for the ACT, then you will have to pay a fee to send your scores at a later date.  SCORES NEED TO BE DIRECTLY SENT FROM ACT! (Not the school or from you)

7 ACT PREP  (See counselor for username/password)  ACT PREP during homerooms  ACT Prep Evening Sessions (3-7pm) on Thursdays before each test date.  ZAPS workshops available for an additional fee:

8 Scholarships  Sara Capra, scholarship coordinator   Located in Rm 109 during 3 rd block  Sends scholarship lists regularly to school emails and also posts on school website.  Evaluate scholarship list and apply to those that you qualify for.

9 Financial Aid  Official Site is  Create a FAFSA pin fall of Senior year  Fill out FAFSA in late January and February.  Most college FAFSA deadlines are March 1

10 College Representatives  Meet and greet reps from local and out-of-state colleges right here at PHHS!  List of scheduled visits on our counseling website, in the counseling office, and in the counseling hallway!  Sign up in the counseling office  Students will receive a pass to attend the presentation on that day in the library

11 College Visits  Everybody looks happy in college brochures, go see the real deal  They are excused absences if your parent calls, but do count against you as far as your attendance (A+ and ID Cards)  Try to visit on a day off from school

12 Recommendation Letters  Give at least two week notice so that counselor/teachers can write a good letter  Prepare a list of all the activities/awards/work you are involved in so that we can know more about you.  We have forms you can fill out in counseling to guide you.

13 Helpful Questions for Your Student:  Completed A + Requirements?  Participated in a leadership activity?  Participated in an Extracurricular activity?  Taken an AP Course and sat for at least one AP exam?  Applied to Maple Woods?  Applied to a 4 year college?  Created a FAFSA pin?  Signed up for October or December ACT?  Checked out Scholarship List?  Attended a College Fair?  Signed up to see a college representative in counseling?

14 Helpful Tidbits for You!  Keep up to date on what’s going on!  Website:  Facebook:  Twitter:

15 THANK YOU for all you do. Time for a little Q & A!

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