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 Homestead Act  Exodusters  Soddy  Morrill Act  Bonanza Farms.

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Presentation on theme: " Homestead Act  Exodusters  Soddy  Morrill Act  Bonanza Farms."— Presentation transcript:

1  Homestead Act  Exodusters  Soddy  Morrill Act  Bonanza Farms

2  Why?  1862: Government passed the Homestead Act  Exodusters:

3  1850-1871: government lent money to companies to lay tracks  Union Pacific  Central Pacific  Who worked? ◦ 1. ◦ 2. ◦ 3. ◦ 4. ◦ 5.  Harsh working conditions  May 10, 1869: 2 companies met in Utah ◦ Leland Stanford ◦ Video Video

4  Hardships: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Soddy video

5 1. 2. 3. 4.

6  Inventions ◦ 1837: John Deere ◦ 1847: Cyrus McCormick  Morrill Act- 1862-1890

7  Late 1870s

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