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Psychomotor Program Presented by: Juana Guzman Sandy Zuniga Marisol De La Cruz.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychomotor Program Presented by: Juana Guzman Sandy Zuniga Marisol De La Cruz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychomotor Program Presented by: Juana Guzman Sandy Zuniga Marisol De La Cruz

2 Successful Year Everyone participates Listens Cooperates Focuses on instruction provided by instructors

3 Student GOALS 100% Participation Positive Attitudes Lead Fit and Healthy Lifestyle

4 Student Accomplishments Understand and Enjoy Activities Physically Active Feel Good About Yourself

5 Time Outs  The students will be given a time out worksheet if he or she is not participating during Psychomotor.  The worksheet will need to be completed at home, signed by parent, and returned to the teacher.  If a student receives more than three, a parent conference will be called.

6 Dress Code Comfortable clothing (uniforms ok) Sneakers Hats or Visors

7 Culminating Activities By the end of the year we will have a multi-activity field day in which students will demonstrate their acquired skills and “Show us what they’ve learned”.

8 Reminders Stretching is Psychomotor is an Everyone must

9 Regulations Bathroom breaks will be given by the instructors Exceptions for participating in Psychomotor (only with note from Doctor or Parents) Students must stay in assigned areas (for safety purposes)

10 Psychomotor Motto Exercise Your Body and Mind

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