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©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 1 1/18/2011 Angle Measures TOOLS: Straightedges/Rulers, Protractors Purpose: Identify, measure, draw and label an angle.

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Presentation on theme: "©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 1 1/18/2011 Angle Measures TOOLS: Straightedges/Rulers, Protractors Purpose: Identify, measure, draw and label an angle."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 1 1/18/2011 Angle Measures TOOLS: Straightedges/Rulers, Protractors Purpose: Identify, measure, draw and label an angle. Notation: Label angles 3 ways: vertex, 3 points, and number Vocabulary acute obtuse straight right triangle sum

2 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 2 Learning Target Parallel Lines 1 - I can identify pairs of angles as adjacent, vertical, or linear pair, and use these relationships to determine missing angle measures. Describe what this might mean.

3 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 3 Just so you know… Construction – Use geometry tools (protractor, straight edge, compass, pencil) to create a figure on paper. Draw/Sketch – Roughly approximate a geometric figure on paper. Straight edge – A tool used to draw a line.

4 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 4 What do you already know about angles? Let’s find out… LaunchLaunch

5 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 5 What kind of angle am I? acute right obtuse straight angle     LaunchLaunch

6 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 6 What is true about the sum of the angle measures? The sum of the 3 angles in any triangle is 180°. internet demo

7 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 7 ExploreExplore

8 8 Angle Notation This angle can be referred to as  BOX or  O or  1 Put this information on the back page of your organizer.  O B X   1

9 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 9 work alone Angle Measures In your Angle Measurements Notes draw and label: acute  SAM obtuse  LBP right  HER Tools: pencil and ruler

10 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 10 You need to know how to measure angles with a protractor. Watch the online tutorial. Be patient while it loads. Angle Measures

11 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 11 Do the Measuring Angles worksheet Tools: protractor Team Practice

12 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 12 Angle Measures In your Angle Measurements Notes measure and label: m  SAM m  LBP m  HER Read this as, “the measure of angle SAM” Verify the angle measurements on your partner’s paper.

13 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 13 Angle Measures In your Angle Measurements Notes Draw a triangle Label the vertices CAT Use a protractor to measure and label each angle. Verify the angle measurements on your partner’s paper.

14 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 14 Angle Measures In your Angle Measurements Notes Find the sum of all angles in  CAT. Why might the sum of the angles in someone’s triangle not add to 180?

15 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 15 Debrief 1 m  EDC = 29° m  EBC = 61° Use what you know to identify five different types of angles in this figure.

16 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 16 5 3 1 2 4 Learning Target Did you hit the target? Parallel Lines 1 - I can identify pairs of angles as adjacent, vertical, or linear pair, and use these relationships to determine missing angle measures.

17 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 17 Practice Practice 6.2A Angles Measures

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