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In Tutorial 4 you will be helping Detective Turner to find the murderer by searching the database using filters and creating parameter queries to find.

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Presentation on theme: "In Tutorial 4 you will be helping Detective Turner to find the murderer by searching the database using filters and creating parameter queries to find."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Tutorial 4 you will be helping Detective Turner to find the murderer by searching the database using filters and creating parameter queries to find specific information. Practise finding information in a spreadsheet by looking at the data on the next slide. It is about a group of people who are going on a coach tour in the summer. The coach driver needs to know certain information to be able to let hotels know in advance of any special arrangements. Work with a partner to answer the questions on Slide 3. When you are ready, left-click to go to the next slide.

2 SurnameForenameSexDate of birth Medical needs Booking reference Special diet YingIanM02/12/1980YES45693NONE JacksonNeilM05/06/1979NO15984VEG BlackJulieF24/07/1980NO36961NONE HillTrevorM26/03/1979NO14857NONE ClarkeMatthewM17/06/1982NO14850NONE SwellsJamesM24/01/1988YES14296NONE WayeJoanneF17/02/1980NO14678NONE IqbalJoF05/09/1991NO15798NONE GreenNicholaF07/08/1981YES14359NONE BlackenDanielM17/06/1983NO14357NONE ClarkeRebeccaF24/01/1981YES14527NONE WarrilowLeeM17/08/1990NO15357NONE SandsMarkM23/07/1984NO14943NONE RobertsMargaretF07/07/1977YES14567NONE LightSheliaF19/08/1976YES14221VEG SwindHelenF04/08/1985NO14622NONE FrankSeanM27/05/1991NO16897NONE FlynnThomasM05/05/1950NO16542NONE HobsNeilM28/01/1980YES14775NONE BlueRobertM17/05/1989NO14666VEG JenkinsLisaF21/05/1990NO12351NONE YoungGavinM03/04/1975NO14545NONE DrumTomM02/06/1974NO14747NONE When you are ready, left-click to go to the next slide.

3 Activity: Answer these questions, referring to the spreadsheet on Slide 2. 1.How many people are called Neil? 2.How many people have medical needs? 3.Who is the oldest person? 4.How many people are vegetarians? 5.Who has medical needs and a special diet? 6.How many people were born in 1990? 7.If the people were sorted by their surname, who would be the first on the list? 8.How many people will be on the coach tour, not including the driver? 9.How many females are there? 10.Who was the first person to book the trip? (Hint: this relates to their booking number.) Go to the next slide to see the learning objectives for this tutorial.

4 By the end of this lesson you will be able to: Search the database using filters to find the murderer Create parameter queries to find specific information

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