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Directorate INFSO E meeting 7-10-2003 The public domain in the information Society.

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Presentation on theme: "Directorate INFSO E meeting 7-10-2003 The public domain in the information Society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directorate INFSO E meeting 7-10-2003 The public domain in the information Society

2  All information resources not covered by IPRs  raw data: facts, numbers etc.  IPRs expired  decision rightholders  PSI in US (by definition)  Material can be re-used without consent or conditions What is the public domain?

3 The IPR environment Copyright directive Database directive Extension term of protection – now 70 years after death author Proposal for an enforcement directive Tendency towards more protection: Copyrights come automatically!

4 The Information Society: A challenge to copyright Enhances sharing and re-use Sharing paradox: – better technical possibility to share – tendency towards avoiding sharing How to protect interests of creators?

5  Efficient sharing of knowledge  essential for innovation  societal and economic benefits (re-use)  Access to information for all  Spread of cultural heritage  Libraries, archives (e.g. films) The public domain: What is at stake?

6 The rationale of IPRs IPRs create de facto monopoly Incentive for creation and innovation Does expansion of protection serve this goal? Balance between sharing and keeping

7 Expanding the public domain? Reduce the term of protection Public domain enhancement act (US) Exclude PSI from IPRs Compulsory licences for specific types of content ?

8 What can WE do? Promote the public domain as a concept – Input from units on relevant issues Monitor relevant IPR issues PSI-debate Analysis of economic and social importance of public domain

9 Opportunities and Risks Public domain is powerful, positive concept in IPR discussion Much to be gained for IS But: Position media-industries Need to build support

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