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Mariam is fifteen years old Nana and Mariam live in a shack outside Herat Mariam’s father, Jalil is one of richest in Herat, Afghanistan He owns a theatre.

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2 Mariam is fifteen years old Nana and Mariam live in a shack outside Herat Mariam’s father, Jalil is one of richest in Herat, Afghanistan He owns a theatre Jalil made Nana a shack after she became pregnant A Thousand Splendid Suns

3 Mariam was always excited for Jalil’s Visits Mariam had a tutor, Mullah Faizullah Mullah taught Mariam to read from the Ko’ran Nana refused to allow Mariam to go to school A Thousand Splendid Suns

4 Nana knew one day Jalil would betray Mariam Nana discouraged Mariam to like Jalil Nana told Mariam she would suicide if Mariam ever left her Mariam goes to meet up with Jalil to watch a movie Jalil never showed up Mariam finds Nana has hanged herself on a tree Jalil finally takes Mariam into his house A Thousand Splendid Suns

5 Weeks later marries her to 45 year old Rasheed Mariam becomes pregnant Months later Mariam has accident, baby dies Novel switches to story of Laila Hakim and Fariba have three children : two boys in army and Laila A Thousand Splendid Suns

6 Fariba and Hakim’s two boys in army have died in battle Laila’s has a close friend and neighbour named Tariq Tariq lost his leg in war Before he leaves for Pakistan, Laila and Tariq have sex One day a missile hits Laila’s house Killed Fariba and Hakim and Laila is injured A Thousand Splendid Suns

7 Laila wakes up in the hands of Rasheed and Mariam Laila finds out she’s pregnant Laila remembers Tariq said he would come back for her Rasheed sets up a guy to inform Laila that Tariq has died Laila marries Rasheed Mariam does not talk to Laila for days A Thousand Splendid Suns

8 Laila’s baby is born and named Aziza Rasheed takes good care until he finds out its not his daughter Laila and Rasheed have a baby named Zalmai Rasheed loses job and war gets worse Laila puts Aziza in orphanage Aziza would get proper meals this way A Thousand Splendid Suns

9 Tariq comes to Rasheed’s house Laila is joyful at Tariq and at the same time mad at Rasheed She realizes Rasheed had set it up When Rasheed finds out Laila was talking to Tariq, he tries to kill Laila To save Laila, Mariam kills Rasheed She hits him with a shovel A Thousand Splendid Suns

10 Mariam turns herself in, she is executed Laila and Tariq marry They along with kids run to Pakistan They come back to Afghanistan after US invades They volunteer for the orphanage A Thousand Splendid Suns





15 Thank you For Watching My Slide Show.

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