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Agenda 3:30-3:40 -Welcome, Introductions and Current Events 3:40-3:45 – Host Share Out 3:45-3:55 - 4S Updates 3:55-4:15 - Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 3:30-3:40 -Welcome, Introductions and Current Events 3:40-3:45 – Host Share Out 3:45-3:55 - 4S Updates 3:55-4:15 - Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 3:30-3:40 -Welcome, Introductions and Current Events 3:40-3:45 – Host Share Out 3:45-3:55 - 4S Updates 3:55-4:15 - Information 4:15-5:15 - Working Groups 5:15-5:30 – Working Groups Share Out

2 Introductions Talk with your elbow partner about the following: Name Organization and Program Big Events and Happenings Share out to the group your partner’s information

3 Host 411 Host shares a little about the work they do and the programs they offer.

4 4S Updates -FOSS and Science Standards PD was a success -NGSS 4S Review? Interest? Anyone willing to organize? -Next Optional PD – 12/18 – Looking at the Common Core State Standards for Math and ELA

5 4S Updates -Next Whole Group Meeting – 1/16/13 -Dr. Luis Valentino, Chief Academic Officer for SFUSD to attend -Web developers to attend -Working groups to present work completed or to use this time to poll the group -Ideas and Requests for the following whole group meeting?

6 Ecoliteracy For All Updates -Ecoliteracy Framework Advisory Group met last week to advise on how to define “Ecoliteracy” -12/12 Convening of K-5 Teachers who have been identified as ecoliteracy education leaders -Goal to create a menu of ways to incorporate ecoliteracy learning across the curriculum at each grade level -Suggestions for who to invite? Email me -Hope to have 4S members complete a similar process

7 Website Updates 2.0 goes live in January after the whole group meeting -Each organization will have a login and responsibility for posting and managing info -Greater detail in the listing to improve search feature -Standards alignment -Key words -Every 6 months, the program information must be approved or it will be removed -Start in January with current science standards -At 6-month mark, switch over to the NGSS -Home page with have a featured program of the day -Add at least one image to your programs going forward

8 Form Feedback -As we go through the form, not things that are not clear or areas where your programs don’t have a clear home -Will have a map link to for programs not at the school site. -Program type -Do the 3 categories make sense? -How should we describe the out-of-school time programs? -Would you like to have family programs on the website? -Other keywords?

9 Working Groups -Collecting Data and Mapping 4S Involvement with SFUSD -Teacher Event Planning -Family and Student Event Planning -Exploration of how to involve Pre-Service Teachers in 4S programs -Publicity and Outreach for 4S organizations -4S Pathway Creation for students Pre-K-12

10 Working Groups -Collecting Data and Mapping 4S Involvement with SFUSD -What information do we want to collect?

11 Group Work -In this time determine the following: -A group leader -Goals and Deliverables -What is the purpose of your work together? How will you know when you have accomplished your goal? -Next Steps -Support and Resources Needed **Please include me on all communication and planning that you do as a group so that I can be sure to support you

12 Group Work – Share Out -Brief summary of your work today and going forward

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