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They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Persuasive Writing Insert Subtitle Here Presenters:

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Presentation on theme: "They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Persuasive Writing Insert Subtitle Here Presenters:"— Presentation transcript:

1 They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Persuasive Writing Insert Subtitle Here Presenters:

2 Rationale and Purpose Use an epigraph (look this up) to introduce your sections What key concepts about writing are presented in the chapter that you will review with the class? (Hint: look at the subtitles throughout the chapter and turn them into questions; you will answer those questions in you presentation in later slides.)

3 Subtopics—What questions will you address? What are the arguments presented? What counter arguments are presented, if any? Choose specific quotes to include in the slides If you have formulas or templates, what are they? Be sure to discuss how they contribute to the writing process in your presentation.

4 References How do other writers support or refute ideas presented by Graff and Birkenstein? (be sure the source is credible, use JSTOR, googlescholars, or other like sources. Insert key quotes from your secondary source here. Be sure to clearly identify the secondary source and make clear, explicit connections between texts when discussing your reference. Note: For intro and preface presenters, you can use a book review, perhaps from the NY Times or other credible source that discuss the efficacy of this text.

5 Works Cited Cite your sources in MLA Citation here Remember you are citing specific chapters so follow guidelines accordingly.

6 Closing Review main ideas gained from both the They Say/I Say and your secondary source. I would recommend you end with an insightful quote from the text to synthesize your entire presentation.

7 Key Things Notice the simplicity of this template…slides are not overwhelmed with words. Think about the structure and organization of the chapter as a whole. Make your presentation aesthetically pleasing. When presenting, make sure all group members discuss concepts and not merely read off slides!

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