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Hospitality Operations Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry – Part I.

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1 Hospitality Operations Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry – Part I

2 What is the difference between a hotel and a motel? Write your answers in

3 WARM UP: List the (3) countries that contributed to the beginning of travel. State (2) reasons for each country how they contributed to early travel.

4 Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry Early History – 3 countries that played in important part in Hospitality History. 1. Egypt – Ancient Egypt began the tourism trade. 2700 B.C. the pharaohs built elegant burial tombs – pyramids. Pyramids became great locations to hold festivals.

5 Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry Early History – 3 countries that played in important part in Hospitality History. 2. Greece – The ancient Greeks loved to travel. Greeks traveled all over Europe and established many Greek colonies. Greek money became the standard for exchange.

6 Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry Early History – 3 countries that played in important part in Hospitality History. 3. Roman Empire – Travel and Tourism virtually stopped during the Roman Empire. During this time churches offered food and a place for travelers to rest. This was followed by the Renaissance.

7 Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry United States – 5 Contributions to Hospitality. 1. Grand Hotels – Railroad Travelers. In the early 1800’s travel by railroad was more comfortable than stagecoach travel. A Grand Hotel offers luxury accommodations. Tremont house in Boston.

8 Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry 2. Motels – For Automobile travel. Motels were originally located near the highway. The first motels were small and simple with fewer than 20 rooms. First Holiday Inn – Memphis TN. Kemmons Wilson. 3. Restaurant Chains – 4. Fast – Food Restaurants – 5. Franchises - ?????

9 Objective 1.03 – Discuss Contributions to the hospitality Industry Vocabulary Terms: Souvenir – Item that reminds you of a place you visited. Cruise – Pleasure trip taken by boat or ship. Hotelier – Owner or manager of a hotel. Motel – Basic hotel services with the convenience for automobile traveler. Amenity – An extra item or service that adds to a traveler’s comfort or convenience.

10 Timeline Projects Go to Public

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