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M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 1) Name the seven electromagnetic radiation in order from the lowest frequency to the highest. Answer a)Radio waves b)Microwaves c)Infrared.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 1) Name the seven electromagnetic radiation in order from the lowest frequency to the highest. Answer a)Radio waves b)Microwaves c)Infrared."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 1) Name the seven electromagnetic radiation in order from the lowest frequency to the highest. Answer a)Radio waves b)Microwaves c)Infrared d)Visible e)Ultraviolet f)X-rays g)Gamma rays.

2 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 2) Electromagnetic waves are all... a)Longitudinal b)Transverse. Answer b) Transverse

3 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 3) The higher the frequency … a)The higher the wavelength b) The lower the wavelength Answer b) The lower the wavelength

4 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 4) The higher the frequency… a)The higher the energy b)The lower the energy c) Has no effect on energy Answer a)The higher the energy

5 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 5) Herschel discovered….. a)Ultra violet radiation b)Infrared radiation c) Visible radiation Answer. b) Infra-red radiation

6 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 6) Ritter discovered…. a)Ultra violet radiation b)Infrared radiation c) Visible radiation Answer a) Ultraviolet radiation

7 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 7) Herschel used a prism to split up visible light and he … a)Used a thermometer to prove the temperature of each colour increased from violet to red. b) Used silver chloride which turned from white to black quickest when exposed to light near the violet end. Answer a)Used a thermometer to prove the temperature of each colour increased from violet to red.

8 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 8) Ritter used a prism to split up visible light and he … a)Used a thermometer to prove the temperature of each colour increased from violet to red. b) Used silver chloride which turned from white to black quickest when exposed to light near the violet end. Answer b) Used silver chloride which turned from white to black quickest when exposed to light near the violet end.

9 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 9) The frequency of a EM radiation decides how well… a)it is absorbed b) it is reflected c) absorbed, reflected and transmitted Answer c) absorbed, reflected and transmitted

10 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 10) The higher the energy of a EM radiation.. a) The less dangerous it is.. b) The more dangerous it is… Answer. b) The more dangerous it is.

11 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 11) Which of the following EM radiation has the highest energy? a)Gamma radiation b) Radio waves c) ultraviolet Answer. a)Gamma radiation Bonus Which is the most dangerous? Answer. a)Gamma radiation

12 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 12) Give some dangers of microwaves (2) Answer. Can heat human body cells Linked to brain tumours-but not proved yet

13 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 13) Give some dangers of infrared radiation (2) Answer Heating effect Skin burns

14 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 14) Give some dangers of Ultraviolet (3) Answer It is ionising Has more energy than IR or MW. Skin burns, Cell mutation can lead to skin cancer Eye damage

15 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 15) Give some dangers of Gamma and X-rays. (3) Answer Contain very high energy Very ionising Tissue damage Cell mutation leading to cancer

16 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 16) Give some properties and uses for radio waves. Answer. Used for communication: TV, radio and satellite. Long wavelength (TV and FM radio) are generally reflected from the ionosphere. Short wavelength (satellite communication) can pass through the ionosphere.

17 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 17) Give some uses for Microwaves. Answer Communication to and from satellites (tv and mobile phones) Cooking food.

18 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 18) Why can microwaves be used for communication and for cooking food? (3) Answer. They use different wavelength (and hence different frequency). For cooking higher frequency wavelength with higher energy are used so they can be absorbed by water molecules

19 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 19) Describe some uses for Infrared radiation Answer. Monitor temperature -night vision equipment. Optical fibres-can carry data over long distances. Others include a)Toaster b) remote controls c) wireless communication d) infrared sensors-security systems

20 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 20) Why can infra-red be used for communication and for cooking food (3) Answer. They use different wavelength (and hence different frequency). For cooking (toaster) higher frequency wavelength with higher energy are used so they can be absorbed by water molecules

21 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 21) Describe uses for visible light Answer. 1)To see: light enters the eye and is refracted through a lens and focussed on to the retina. 2) Photography: Lens focuses light on a film or sensor that records the image

22 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 22) Describe how ultraviolet light is used to detect forged bank notes. Answer. Bank notes contain special marking in florescent ink. Under UV light, UV light is absorbed and then visible light is emitted-so the special marking glows Forged notes glow all over.

23 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 23) Give one use for X-rays. Answer Radiographers in hospital take X- ray photographs to check for any broken bones. X-rays pass easily through flesh but not so easily through dense material like bones.

24 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 24) Give some uses for Gamma-rays. Answer Treatment of cancer. Sterilising food –kill bacteria Sterilising surgical instrument- kill bacteria.

25 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 25) Name the three types of ionising radiation Answer Alpha Beta Gamma

26 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 26) Why are alpha, beta and gamma radiation called ionisation radiation? Answer They transfer energy and cause atoms to lose electrons.

27 M. Rahman P1 TOPIC 2 27) Why are alpha, beta and gamma radiation dangerous? Answer When they enter your body they collide with molecules (causing atoms to lose electrons), ionises them which damages or destroys the molecules leading to cancer.

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