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Service Level Commitments (SLC) Negotiating Performance Metrics Assessing SLC SLC Outcomes.

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1 Service Level Commitments (SLC) Negotiating Performance Metrics Assessing SLC SLC Outcomes

2 Provisional SLC Definition(s) Contractual service commitment –A/K/A service level agreement (SLA) –Essential component to enforceable contract between service provider & client/user SLA doc describes minimum performance criteria Sets performance standards obligating service provider Typically defines consequences : –Remedial actions: Penalties for performances below the promised standard, Termination –Rewards for surpassing promised standard

3 Service Level Management Several functions: –establishing service goals and objectives, –linking them with service level targeting, and –monitoring key performance indicators. SLM is Process Design –Defining SLAs and SLA monitoring collecting & analyzing performance data, addressing problem areas, continually refining the services offered to ensure expectations are met or exceeded

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