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AVID Elective Teacher Workshop dfdfaddaf. 2 Name Tents DistrictCity where you live Name AVID Grade Personal Highlight Level Taughtthis year Fold hamburger.

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Presentation on theme: "AVID Elective Teacher Workshop dfdfaddaf. 2 Name Tents DistrictCity where you live Name AVID Grade Personal Highlight Level Taughtthis year Fold hamburger."— Presentation transcript:

1 AVID Elective Teacher Workshop dfdfaddaf

2 2 Name Tents DistrictCity where you live Name AVID Grade Personal Highlight Level Taughtthis year Fold hamburger style!

3 3 Opening question:  Are Cornell Notes optional or mandatory in the AVID Elective class?  Why?

4 4 The CORNELL WAY  Read through the “Four Parts of the CORNELL WAY”  Place a “√” next to each item if your students are competent at this skill

5 5 Table Talk Which of these steps are difficult for students?

6 6 Four New Parts of CORNELL WAY Part 1, Step 1: Create the Format  Writing the “Essential Question”  What is supposed to happen in this step?  Where can students get this information?

7 7 Focused Note-Taking DVD  “Step 1 – Algebra”

8 8 Sample Standards  Read “Creating Essential Questions” Handout  Choose three sample standards  Create corresponding Essential Questions

9 9 Four New Parts of CORNELL WAY Part 2, Step 4: Note Key Ideas  “Chunking” of notes  Table Talk - What are some ways that you indicate “chunks” of information in your notes?

10 10 Practice “Chunking” Notes  Use sample Biology notes from Handouts  Chunk notes  Write corresponding questions in the left column

11 11 Four New Parts of CORNELL WAY Part 3, Step 6: Link Learning  Writing the summary  Table Talk – How can parents be included in the Cornell note taking process?

12 12 Practice Writing a Summary  Use sample questions that you have written  Write a summary using “Cornell Note Summary Template”

13 13 Four New Parts of CORNELL WAY Processing, Reflecting, Reviewing, Revising and Studying  “On which steps should the students be processing the notes that they have taken?”  Main Point – Taking notes without processing them is like having a tool but never using it.

14 14 Application “How do we get students to actually do all of these things?”  Give time in AVID class  Grade the notes weekly (at least!)  Train your faculty

15 15 SMART Goal  Pick one aspect of this process and create a SMART goal for your students

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