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Information Retrieval Quality of a Search Engine.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Retrieval Quality of a Search Engine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Retrieval Quality of a Search Engine

2 Is it good ? How fast does it index Number of documents/hour (Average document size) How fast does it search Latency as a function of index size Expressiveness of the query language

3 Measures for a search engine All of the preceding criteria are measurable The key measure: user happiness …useless answers won’t make a user happy

4 Happiness: elusive to measure Commonest approach is given by the relevance of search results How do we measure it ? Requires 3 elements: 1.A benchmark document collection 2.A benchmark suite of queries 3.A binary assessment of either Relevant or Irrelevant for each query-doc pair

5 Evaluating an IR system Standard benchmarks TREC: National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST) has run large IR testbed for many years Other doc collections: marked by human experts, for each query and for each doc, Relevant or Irrelevant  On the Web everything is more complicated since we cannot mark the entire corpus !!

6 General scenario Relevant Retrieved collection

7 Precision: % docs retrieved that are relevant [issue “junk” found] Precision vs. Recall Relevant Retrieved collection Recall: % docs relevant that are retrieved [issue “info” found]

8 How to compute them Precision: fraction of retrieved docs that are relevant Recall: fraction of relevant docs that are retrieved Precision P = tp/(tp + fp) Recall R = tp/(tp + fn) RelevantNot Relevant Retrievedtp (true positive) fp (false positive) Not Retrievedfn (false negative) tn (true negative)

9 Some considerations Can get high recall (but low precision) by retrieving all docs for all queries! Recall is a non-decreasing function of the number of docs retrieved Precision usually decreases

10 Precision vs. Recall Relevant Highest precision, very low recall Retrieved Precision: fraction of retrieved docs that are relevant Recall: fraction of relevant docs that are retrieved

11 Relevant Lowest precision and recall Retrieved Precision: fraction of retrieved docs that are relevant Recall: fraction of relevant docs that are retrieved Precision vs. Recall

12 Relevant Low precision and very high recall Retrieved Precision: fraction of retrieved docs that are relevant Recall: fraction of relevant docs that are retrieved Precision vs. Recall

13 Relevant Very high precision and recall Retrieved Precision: fraction of retrieved docs that are relevant Recall: fraction of relevant docs that are retrieved Precision vs. Recall

14 Precision-Recall curve We measures Precision at various levels of Recall Note: it is an AVERAGE over many queries precision recall x x x x

15 A common picture precision recall x x x x

16 Interpolated precision If you can increase precision by increasing recall, then you should get to count that…

17 Other measures Precision at fixed recall most appropriate for web search: 10 results 11-point interpolated average precision The standard measure for TREC: you take the precision at 11 levels of recall varying from 10% to 100% by 10% of retrieved docs each step, using interpolation, and average them

18 F measure Combined measure (weighted harmonic mean) : People usually use balanced F 1 measure i.e., with  = 1 or  = ½ thus 1/F = ½ (1/P + 1/R) Use this if you need to optimize a single measure that balances precision and recall.

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