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Computing Division FY03 Budget and budget outlook for FY04 + CDF International Finance Committee April 4, 2003 Vicky White Head, Computing Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing Division FY03 Budget and budget outlook for FY04 + CDF International Finance Committee April 4, 2003 Vicky White Head, Computing Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing Division FY03 Budget and budget outlook for FY04 + CDF International Finance Committee April 4, 2003 Vicky White Head, Computing Division

2 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 2 Budget Planning in Computing Division Driven by a number of “Needs”, some (*) with associated planning processes and documents  *Experiment Computing Needs  *Data storage Needs  *Operations Manpower Needs  Need to continue to evolve computing and software  Need to align Run II computing to Global Grid Computing  Need to reduce staff while assuring Run II given high priority and adequate resources  Need to provide core services and common computing fabric that CDF (and many others) rely on  Need for reasonable equity between CDF and D0  Need for balance across Fermilab scientific program  Need to help Beams division

3 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 3 Budget Planning in Computing Division  *Experiment Computing Needs  Early planning with docs and many external reviews (Von Ruden)  Initial computing and analysis systems planned in 1997 are in place (total of $18M of equipment for Run II expts)  Must augment systems to cope with data and replacements (disk + CPU replacement rate: 20-25%/year)  Needs for 2002-2005 were assessed by the Run II computing review in June 2002 (Bird) Both experiments assessed needs and requests of $2M/year Substantial additional resources needed at remote centers (more so for D0)  *Data storage Needs  Addressed by above planning  Subject to refinement based on data formats, streaming and real- world experience + MC data needs  Amount of storage for given budget subject to evolution of technology

4 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 4 Budget Planning in Computing Division  *Operations Manpower Needs  An MOU was developed in early 2001 to identify effort required to “operate” CDF computing: Approx 33 FTE identified in a long list of categories. Used as a start to identify candidate FTE for operations.  The MOU needs to be updated  Need to continue to evolve computing and software  Need to align Run II computing to Global Grid Computing  Different to detector that repair & provide consumables for (until decide to do major upgrade project)  Very important that Computing Fabrics, services, security models etc. evolve towards a common “Grid” way of working Many centers and institutions participating in providing computing for CDF, D0, LHC experiments, BaBar

5 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 5 What Computing Div. provides for CDF Considered in Common Fund  Services and Expertise (Networks, Helpdesk, Scientific Software, Code Management, Engineering Projects, Technical assistance, repairs, etc.….)  Computing for reconstruction and basic analysis  Database machines and services  Robotic Storage and services  Tapes  Hardware and Software maintenance  People to operate and support  Computers and Farms  Code releases  Data handling and Storage systems  Databases  People to continue to evolve systems to  Meet needs  Support new technologies - eg. 9940B tapes drives  Align with Grid world  Evolve hardware and software infrastructure  Guest Scientist support  Postdocs and Scientists who help with Computing issues  WAN planning and evolution

6 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 6 Thumbnail Sketch of CD Budget Operating FY2003 Base Budget  Components:  SWF (Salaries + Fringe)  Maintenance and recurring cost - includes annual software license fees  Consultants  Run 2 Tapes  Building maintenance, ES&H, Travel, Education, Conferences, Hiring fees, desktop computing, miscellaneous software  Projects: Direct support for experiments/programs Major identifiable projects, computing infrastructure

7 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 7 Equipment Original FY2003 Base Budget Guidance  Run 2 Computing $3.0 M (sum of requests $4.0M)  All Other $2.0 M (sum of requests $2.7M)  Total $5.0 M Thumbnail Sketch of CD Budget

8 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 8 $K Base Budget Allocation by FY Incl. carry-over Note – overheads not included Increasing non-base budget for Specific earmarked projects e.g. Grid projects, Lattice QCD, CMS Software and Computing

9 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 9 FY03 Budget  After adjusting Base budget to reduce equipment by $800K  After reducing CDF (and D0) Equipment from $2M to $1.5M  After considering non-Base “earmarked” funding for special projects (Grid Projects, Lattice QCD, CMS Software and Computing, NVO, etc.)  After lab had a voluntary retirement (3 people in CD total) and 2 others left and salary costs were cut by reducing vacation accrual Budget still didn’t balance by $900K

10 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 10 Measures to balance FY03 budget  Aggressively pursue Linux-based analysis  Reduce maintenance costs by starting to remove big SGIs  Reduce consultant costs  “Tax” all equipment expenditures for needed Computer Center infrastructure/studies  Move more staff to work on non-base-funded projects (=> must be more efficient&coordinated)  Reduce staff  Reduce division and departmental infrastructure costs

11 f C D April 3, 2003Vicky White - D0 International Finance Committee 11 Outlook for FY04  Don’t expect to make the full $2M of equipment  Keep people resources as far as possible  Eliminate further central SGIs – replace by Linux Analysis facilities  Consolidate more services and support with D0 and other experiments  Reduce dedicated staff for CDF (easier if good alignment between all expts on Grid Computing)  Necessary to have a strong base of support at Fermilab to make Global Grid Computing model work  Find further maintenance savings – Oracle? Sun?

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