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Jeopardy Start To Kill a Mockingbird Review Final Jeopardy Question People Other People Quotes Lit Tech/ Elements PlotMisc. 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 Jeopardy Start To Kill a Mockingbird Review

3 Final Jeopardy Question People Other People Quotes Lit Tech/ Elements PlotMisc. 100 200 300 400 500

4 People 100 This person asks Scout to marry him Back to the Game Board

5 People 200 Back to the Game Board This person never laughs at Scout unless she knows Scout is trying to be funny

6 People 300 Atticus claims this is the bravest person he has ever known Back to the Game Board

7 People 400 Back to the Game Board This person pretends to be a drunk rather than have the town pass judgment (first AND last name)

8 Back to the Game Board People 500 This person is the editor of the local newspaper

9 Other People 100 This person takes Scout and Jem to a different church Back to the Game Board

10 Other People 200 Back to the Game Board The sherriff of Maycomb County (first and last name)

11 Other People 300 This person claims to have seen Boo Radley starring at her through her bedroom window (first AND last name) Back to the Game Board

12 Chews his cigar while he’s working Other People 400 Back to the Game Board

13 Other People 500 The Prosecuting Attorney Back to the Game Board

14 Quotes 100 Back to the Game Board “…before I can live with other folks, I’ve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience.”

15 Quotes 200 Back to the Game Board “Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father’s passin’.” (at least last name)

16 Quotes 300 Back to the Game Board “You can scrub Walter Cunningham until he shines, you can put him in new shoes and a new suit, but he’ll never be like Jem.”

17 Quotes 400 “I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.” Back to the Game Board

18 Quotes 500 “It ain’t right, somehow, it ain’t right to do ‘em that way. Hasn’t anybody got any business talkin’ like that – it just makes me sick.” Back to the Game Board

19 Literary Elements 100 The time and place in which this story takes place (Give decade and City) Back to the Game Board

20 Literary Elements 200 The point of view of To Kill a Mockingbird Back to the Game Board

21 Literary Elements 300 The following is an example of which literary element: “It is our duty to protect and preserve innocence.” Back to the Game Board

22 Literary Elements 400 This symbolizes the problem with making assumptions about people based on appearances Back to the Game Board

23 Literary Elements 500 A Cunningham tried to kill Tom Robinson at the jail, and a Cunningham on the jury tried to prevent a guilty verdict. Back to the Game Board

24 Plot 100 Things (at least 2) Scout and Jem find in the knot hole of the tree Back to the Game Board

25 Plot 200 How Bob Ewell dies Back to the Game Board

26 Plot 300 The weapon Bob used, and the weapon Boo used Back to the Game Board

27 Plot 400 Back to the Game Board Scout’s first experience having to accept people who are different than her.

28 Plot 500 What Scout believes would be like “shooting a mockingbird” Back to the Game Board

29 Miscellaneous 100 The author of To Kill a Mockingbird Back to the Game Board

30 Miscellaneous 200 Scout and Dill’s real names (FULL names) Back to the Game Board

31 Miscellaneous 300 What did Tom Robinson or Boo Radley do to make them like a mockingbird? (be specific) Back to the Game Board

32 Miscellaneous 400 Back to the Game Board Tom Robinson’s trial is based on this historic 1930s trial

33 Miscellaneous 500 Scout tells Atticus about a character in a book: “when they finally saw him, why he hadn’t done any of those things… he was real nice”) His response & last words of the novel Back to the Game Board

34 What is the name of the book Atticus reads to Scout at the end of the novel, AND what theme in the book does it relate to?

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