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To Kill a Mockingbird Speaking Group Project. You will act out various scenes of the book with your groups as though we are watching a play. You will.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill a Mockingbird Speaking Group Project. You will act out various scenes of the book with your groups as though we are watching a play. You will."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill a Mockingbird Speaking Group Project

2 You will act out various scenes of the book with your groups as though we are watching a play. You will be graded on your speaking skills, teamwork, and presentation. You will receive an individual grade as well as a group grade for this assignment.

3 The Scenes: Mayella’s testimony at the trial Tom’s testimony at the trial

4 The Group Rubric: 12345 Creativity- You use props and approach your parts with creativity and energy. Organization - the scene is well organized, and everybody knows where to go. Flow - the actions and speaking have good flow. Although you don’t have to memorize the words, your should speak with a natural voice. Speaking - the characters sound realistic and the words are clear with few pronunciation errors. Total possible points: ___________/20

5 Individual Rubric Always 10 Most of the time 8 Often 6 Seldom 4 Very Seldom 2 Team Work- You were an active member of your group. You listened and contribute. You stayed on task and focused on presenting a good project. You did not cause problems or distract your group.

6 Today in Class: You have the rest of today in class and tomorrow to practice your parts for this project. I will be here to assist you in understanding your parts. Be responsible, have fun, and good luck!!

7 The groups Mayella’s group (pages 59-62): Camilo Beltran, Marianna Bentancur, Maria Alejandra, Manuel Giraldo, Maria Gomez Tom’s group (pages 62-66): Maria Camila Jaramillo, Camilo Palacio, Maria Paula Rodriguez, Sara Tobo, Matias Velez

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