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Socratic Seminar 3: Ch. 12-16. Why does Atticus risk everything, including his family, to defend Tom Robinson? Does he risk too much?

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Presentation on theme: "Socratic Seminar 3: Ch. 12-16. Why does Atticus risk everything, including his family, to defend Tom Robinson? Does he risk too much?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Socratic Seminar 3: Ch. 12-16

2 Why does Atticus risk everything, including his family, to defend Tom Robinson? Does he risk too much?

3 We meet two new “worlds” in these chapters: Southern womanhood through Aunt A and Maycomb’s black community. How do these “worlds” affect the viewpoint of the novel and how do they affect the overall impact of the novel?

4 What is the purpose of Dill’s character in these chapters?

5 Why is Ch. 15 important in terms of character development, plot development, and theme development?

6 Consider Miss Maudie’s role throughout the trial. What do we learn about these characters? Also, why do the children sit where they do at the trial?

7 If absent: write a paragraph on each of the questions with two quotations as evidence for the makeup grade.

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