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Read Sounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Read Sounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read Sounds

2 ea ee ai ay ow ou aw all oi oy oo moo ar or igh ew er ore dge

3 bl cr pl br fl gl dr cl pr fr gr sl sc tr sk sm sp sn spr spl st sw

4 Spell Sounds

5 Read Words

6 tr ay str ay pl ay sp ay gr ay cl ay s ay sw ay spr ay

7 sl aw str aw dr aw p aw j aw cl aw fl aw th aw sh aw

8 bl ack sh ack cl ack b ack m ack h ack s ack sm ack st ack

9 sh tr cl dr st ack ay aw ay ack

10 br bl cr cl ch brown crow n bland clown branch chick blank clam breed

11 fr fl gr gl dr frown grow flower glow french draw flank gland free

12 pr pl str spl spr pray string play splish plan splash pride sprain
plot street

13 tr sc sk sl sm truck score trunk skip tray slime train small trot

14 st sw squ sn sp stay spore sweep squish stain swim sweet snake spot

15 Move or Match ay st sl cr bl fl gl iff dr br pl cl pr sh gr ash ock ip um ick ock ack eed ame ay ow eed

16 Spell Words – Listen!

17 Dan has a stiff leg. I see fish in the dish. Let Glen see the plan.
The van is stuck in the mud. Stay on top of the stack. I see fish in the dish. Grab a train to the plane.

18 Spell Sentences – Listen Closely!

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