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Computer Networks A1. DT024G, Datornätverk A, 7,5 hp DT075G, Multimedie- och kommunikationssystem, 6 hp Kapitel 1 - Introduktion Föreläsningsmaterialet.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Networks A1. DT024G, Datornätverk A, 7,5 hp DT075G, Multimedie- och kommunikationssystem, 6 hp Kapitel 1 - Introduktion Föreläsningsmaterialet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Networks A1

2 DT024G, Datornätverk A, 7,5 hp DT075G, Multimedie- och kommunikationssystem, 6 hp Kapitel 1 - Introduktion Föreläsningsmaterialet är författat av Magnus Eriksson. Material är även hämtat från Iskra Popova samt läroboksförfattaren Behrouz Fourozan.

3 3 Tänk på ett tal mellan 0 och 31

4 4 Amount of information -Think about a number between 0 and 15. I am now going to guess it using as few yes and no questions as possible. I start by asking: Is the number larger than or equal to 8? -Yes -Is it larger than or equal to 12? (The interval is successively divided by 2.) -No. -Is the number larger than or equal to 10? -Yes -Is the number larger than or equal to 9? -Yes. -The amount of information you give me when you tell me that the number is 9 is 4 bits, because the amount of information in bits is the minimum number of yes and no questions that are required. We had 16 options, which is = 2 4 = 2·2·2·2, corresponding to 4 bits. If the number of options was 32 = 2 5, it would require 5 bits. -If yes is represented by the binary digit ”1”, and no by ”0”, the value in the above example can be represented by 1 0 1 1.

5 5 Bits and Bytes  N bit can represent M=2 N different values.  M values can be represented by N = 2 log M =log M / log 2 values  Example: The N=7 bit ASCII character code consists of M=128 codes.  8 bits = 1 byte (a unit for measuring amount of data)  1 kbit = 1000 bit (previously 1024 bit).  1 Mbit = 1000 kbit (previously 1024 kbit).  1 Gbit = 1000 Mbit.  1 Tbit = 1000 Gbit.

6 Computer Networks A6 Data Representation  Text – using different codes  Each character is represented by certain number of bits  The number of bits in the code determins the number of different characters  ASCII (7 bits), Extended ASCII (8 bits), Unicode (16 bits), ISO (32 bits)  Numbers – Binary number system  Images – A matrix of pixels represented by bit patterns  Video – A combination of images  Audio – Digitized voice and music

7 7 Bandbredd kan betyda många saker  Analog bandbredd i Hertz. Övre gränsfrekvens minus undre gränsfrekvens.  Net bit rate = Digital bandbreddskapacitet i Bit/s. = Datatakt exklusive felupptäckande koder. Net bit rate ≤ Gross bit rate  Maximal genomströmninshastighet = Maximal throughput  Genomströmningshastighet = Throughput = Digital bandbreddskonsumtion  Goodput = Filöverföringshastighet

8 Computer Networks A8 Chapter 1 Introduction Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

9 Computer Networks A9 Figure 1.1 Five components of data communication Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable.

10 Computer Networks A10 Figure 1.2 Simplex communication Example: Video monitor. TV and radio broadcasting.

11 Computer Networks A11 Figure 1.3 Half-duplex communication One at a time. Example: Communication radio. 2-wire Ethernet.

12 Computer Networks A12 Figure 1.4 Full-duplex communication Example: Telephony. 4-wire Ethernet.

13 Computer Networks A13 1-2 NETWORKS A network is a set of devices (often referred to as nodes) connected by communication links. A node can be a computer, printer, hub, switch, router, modem, or any other device capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network.

14 Computer Networks A14 Different Line Configurations  Point-to-point  Two devices on a single channel (dedicated channel)  Multipoint  Many devices on a single channel (shared channel) Example: Bus Networks. Ring networks. Wireless Networks

15 Computer Networks A15 Topology of Networks Topology Bus Star Full Mesh Ring Partial Mesh  Topology defines the arrangement of links in a network

16 Computer Networks A16 Figure 1.5 Mesh topology (Maskformigt nätverk) Example: 5 stations. 4 ports per station. 4+3+2+1=10 links.

17 Computer Networks A17 Figure 1.7 Bus topology (Bussnätverk) Examples: -”Old” ethernet with coaxial cable - Cable TV networks with cable modems

18 Computer Networks A18 Figure 1.6 Star topology (Stjärnnätverk) Hub (Nätnav) or switch (växel) Examples: -Ethernet with twisted pair cable -Telephone networks

19 Computer Networks A19 Figure 1.8 Ring topology (Ringnätverk) Example: Token ring and FDDI networks

20 Computer Networks A20 Figure 1.9 A hybrid topology: a star backbone with three bus networks Hub (Nätnav) or switch (växel)

21 Computer Networks A21 LAN – Local Area Network (Lokalt nätverk) Single building LAN Backbone (ryggradsdatanät) Multiple building LAN

22 Computer Networks A22 MAN - Metropolitan Area Network (Stadsnät) Public city network

23 Computer Networks A23 WAN – Wide Area Network (nationellt eller globalt nätverk)

24 Computer Networks A24 Figure 1.12 A heterogeneous network made of four WANs and two LANs LAN = Local Area Network WAN = Wide Area Network

25 Computer Networks A25 Nättopologier för WAN Hopkopplade LAN och WAN = internetwork T.ex. Internet. Växlat WAN (stjärnnät) T.ex. X.25 eller ATM Växel. Kopplar ihop punkt-till-punkt-länkar. Datorer, terminaler, skrivare, etc. Router=vägväljare, kopplar ihop nätverk med olika teknologier. Nätnoder:

26 Computer Networks A26 The Internet Internet routers are network nodes that interconnect different networks. Network Access Points (NAP) are routers that interconnect national ISP:s. ISP = Internet Service Provider (internetleverantör)

27 Computer Networks A27 The internet versus the Internet  Internetwork or internet (small ”i”) – generic term to mean an interconnection of networks  Internet (Uppercase I) – the specific worldwide network that uses the IP protocol (Internet protocol)

28 Computer Networks A28

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