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 The tribes are Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca, and Tuscarora.

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2  The tribes are Mohawk, Cayuga, Oneida, Seneca, and Tuscarora.

3  They lived in long houses. They can be found in New York between the Adirondack Mountains and Niagara Falls. The land affected them because they could find many resources.

4  The long houses were built about a framework covered with elm bark. Corn, beans, and squash were known as “deohako” or “life supporters”.

5  The Iroquois ate the three sisters, corns, beans, and squash. The Iroquois store Dried fish for later. The Iroquois believed in after life. If you believe in after life you will get good fortune.

6  Before, Native Tribes give things to people. Now they save their money. A long time ago they used sun for time, now we use clocks and watches to tell time.

7  Cooperation is healthy and essential. Anyone who tries to stand out is showing off. They believe in team effort. There was also some competition.

8 SSocial Studies Building A Nation By: Scott Foresman,, 07/eastern woodland, ast.html,, ronmental center/sunbury/website/HistoryofIroquoisIin dians.shtml, photos/

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