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SRO Program Enhancements Special Programs. Copyright Information The material contained herein is the sole property of the National Association of School.

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Presentation on theme: "SRO Program Enhancements Special Programs. Copyright Information The material contained herein is the sole property of the National Association of School."— Presentation transcript:

1 SRO Program Enhancements Special Programs

2 Copyright Information The material contained herein is the sole property of the National Association of School Resource Officers Inc. a non-profit corporation. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from: NASRO, 7733 Holiday Drive Sarasota FL 34321

3 The man who has no imagination has no wings. - Muhammad Ali

4 Key Points To meet the needs of youth, you first have to find out what they need… Communicating and partnering with other agencies is critical Identify what experts say really works !

5 Be aware of what works vs. what does not work There are many types of programs that may seem like a good idea but educators and researchers have show they do not work as well as others. Critical to SRO Program Enhancement is knowing which ones are research based and proven effective. The very best SRO program can become useless if the programs they use are not effective.

6 Suggested programs Classroom and behavior management programs Multi-component classroom-based programs Social competence promotion curriculum Conflict resolution and violence prevention curriculums Bullying prevention After-school recreation programs Mentoring programs School organization programs Comprehensive community interventions


8 Focus on ResiliencyResiliency

9 What is Resiliency ? It’s the ability to bounce back from adversity; to learn from life’s challenges.

10 Facts about Resiliency It’s an Attitude not a Program It’s a person to person process Support is similar to extended family The quality of the relationship is the most important factor Kids need to learn something they can do good then contribute it to others Key Point

11 Opportunity for Meaningful Participation Set High Expectations Provide Caring & Support Increase Pro-Social Bonding Set Clear, Consistent Boundaries Teach “Life Skills” Mitigating Risk Building Resiliency Any program should contain these six components

12 Resiliency as a Prevention Concept Researched based A Wellness approach to life A “living - systems” model Paradigm shift What we all do some of the time – like being a coach

13 ä optimistic ä sense of purpose ä tenacious ä tolerant ä self-motivated ä like school ä friendly Characteristics of Resilient Individuals Yes I can!

14 ä self-reliant ä independent ä self-controlled ä strong self-image ä responsible ä sense of humor ä spiritual Characteristics of Resilient Individuals

15 ä competent in at least one skill ä good problem- solving skills ä physically active and healthy ä initiate positive activities Resilient Individuals continued

16 First Steps ä Look at the whole picture ä See glass as half full ä Identify strengths ä Build on those strengths

17 How Do We Connect ? Ensure contact with supportive adults Build on the strengths of our youth Celebrate the successes of our children Accept kids as they are Believe in their abilities Convey a sense of caring and trust

18 ä Competence of character ä Self-motivation ä Service to others ä Self-responsibility ä Youth input What Should We Encourage?

19 What Can We Provide? Secure, positive environments Challenging, yet realistic, expectations Fair and consistent structure A variety of after-school opportunities Community-based recreation programs Goal focused programs Opportunities for participation Empower kids

20 What Else? Allow students to share talents and skills Develop peer support programs Bring integrated services into schools Create “circuit breaker” mechanisms Remember, they are still learning Target all kids “Attack with Kindness” Refuse to tolerate unkindness

21 THE END ……..

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