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WELLNESS WONDERS Facts & Stats about health! Wellness Wonder January 15 The human mind can maintain up to 150 social relationships. Why do you think.

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2 WELLNESS WONDERS Facts & Stats about health!

3 Wellness Wonder January 15 The human mind can maintain up to 150 social relationships. Why do you think relationships are so important? When it comes to relationships, do you think less is more? Why?

4 Wellness Wonder January 18 Social media has taken the world by storm!! There are currently 1.79 billion social network users with a prediction of 2.44 billion by 2018. Why has it become so popular? How has it changed the face of relationships?

5 Wellness Wonder January 19 All relationships have their ups and downs. To make them work well, there has to be good communication and respect that goes both ways- including with your parents. What type of relationship do you have with your parents? Why is maintaining a positive relationship important?

6 Wellness Wonder January 21 In a lifetime, one makes 396 friendships but only about 33 stand the test of time. Out of the 33, only 6 are considered to be close friends. Do you think it’s better to have a few very close friends or a larger circle of friends? Why?

7 Wellness Wonder January 26 Women are twice more talkative than men! It has been estimated that on average, men speak 12,500 words and women speak about 25,500 words in a day. Why do you think this is? What are some other differences in personality between the genders?

8 Wellness Wonder January 27 On average, men shell out $130 each on candy, cards, jewelry, flowers and dates. That’s more than double what women commit to spending. Why do you think this is? What do you think is the “perfect Valentine’s Day gift?

9 Wellness Wonder January 28 Why do you think this is? Why do people stay with someone who is abusive?

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