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Making Data Walls Accessible Presented by Christine Mulgrave EDL 626 Fall, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Data Walls Accessible Presented by Christine Mulgrave EDL 626 Fall, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Data Walls Accessible Presented by Christine Mulgrave EDL 626 Fall, 2007

2 Goals of Project  The become more versed with the use of CT Reports  Become more familiar with Connecticut Education Data and Research (CEDaR) resources  Develop a systematic mechanism for making the displaying of data more accessible to all users (tech geeks, Dr. Data’s, and technology neophytes alike)  Examine ways to clearly articulate strategies for school improvement using Connecticut Leadership Standards based upon data

3 Overview Purpose & Payoffs of Creating Data Walls  Presents an overall picture of student progress for a set period of time On a classroom level On a grade or content level or across grades On a school-wide level On a district-wide level  Note trends and outlines strategic plans for improvement  Portable, user-friendly and informally educates the larger community how to read and evaluate data  Used to present data, not impress viewers

4 Challenges  Technology accessing and operating common assessment tools time to explore or time to setup structures  Knowledge analyzing data developing instructionally constructive / pertinent questions  Opportunity sharing data in a risk-free environment reflecting on instruction openly

5 Elements of a Data Wall  External Data (left panel) tables, charts & graphs illustrate exam scores  State and district provides demographic information observations/interpretations  Internal Data (middle panel) highlights teaching strategies data to support teaching strategies observations/interpretations  Inferences and Conclusions (right panel) next steps / an action plan samples of assessments items

6 Traditional Data Walls  Semi-portable  Semi-accessible by some stakeholders

7 Gathering Data  Assessment Resources Summative Assessments  Classroom exams  Standardized exams Other Measures of Teaching Practices & Student Learning  Performance assessments  Portfolio pieces  Some Considerations: Where is the Data? Which stakeholders have access? What role will they play?

8 Displaying Data  Structure of Data Walls Brochures (DWBs) Outer: A. Cover (school identifiers, title, focus statement, time frame covered) B. Inner flap (purpose outlined, research question) C. Back (data from Strategic School Profiles) Inner: A. Left Panel (state, district assessment trends) B. Middle Panel (classroom or school level strategies supported by data) C. Right Panel (Action Plan reflecting current practices)

9 Possible Uses & Benefits  Sharing of information with stakeholders: students, families, faculty and the larger community  Consolidation of various content areas into one easy to read pamphlet  Facilitate on-going data-driven dialogue  Widespread data use and literacy  Data through collaborative inquiry

10 Have a Go  Participants will collect data  A participant will input data  Email or Print (optional)

11 Next Steps  Develop an implementation Action Plan  Expand technology used Move to.pdf forms Grow into online database tool

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