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A Peep into the future – or Blessed are the Cheesemakers Professor Derek Law Centre for Digital Library Research, University of Strathclyde.

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2 A Peep into the future – or Blessed are the Cheesemakers Professor Derek Law Centre for Digital Library Research, University of Strathclyde



5 Yesterday’s Text: The Book of Job Young men dream dreams, Old men have visions

6 Today’s Text: The Book of Job, interpreted by Heaney Young men dream dreams, Old men have visions -But the world is always run by middle-aged men in suits

7 Clearing the Ground A level playing field The paperless library is as likely as the paperless toilet The Kennedy Centre and the importance of staff involvement Involvement or commitment? I’ll repeat what I agree with and ignore the rest – an SDI service! My examples are Scottish

8 Objectives of the Scottish Government for Digital Scotland Making business more competitive Raising skills levels in the workforce Promoting social inclusion Addressing the democratic deficit Promoting e-government

9 Centre for Digital Library Research A NATIONAL Centre for a national plan Funded by grants from (mainly) Scottish bodies Sixteen staff, so a centre of international scale WIDWISAWN SCONE, CAIRNS, CATRIONA, BUBL, HAIRST etc

10 Why bother? Leave it to the market? But we want to change society Leave it to big countries? But one size doesn’t fit all Small is beautiful? Finland, Singapore, Vietnam Leave it to publishers? But they have no grandmothers We are producers not just consumers

11 Scenario Planning Four scenarios Explore only preferred scenario Peep into what I hope we’ll be doing May not be the same as we will be doing The Guildford Fox

12 Scenario Plan A: For babies “Always keep a-hold of nurse, for fear of finding something worse” Hilaire Belloc

13 Scenario Plan B: For Teenagers “When in danger or in doubt, Run in circles, scream and shout” Hilaire Belloc

14 Scenario Plan C: Adults “Get your retaliation in first” Welsh Rugby Coach

15 Scenario Plan D: Wise Elders “It’s better to seek forgiveness than permission” President John F Kennedy – or Thomas More

16 Underpinning philosophy The Vesalius Conundrum This is rocket science not a plug in the wall Ease of use = “the satisfied inept” IT Skills Gap is growing (Production<demand) Public sector bodies are producers not just consumers of information The Internet is AT PRESENT very flawed as a teaching and learning tool

17 The Wider Context The focus is the University not any one Library The Learning City – open education Social inclusion and the democratic deficit The Millennium Student – a new learning environment

18 Pervasive Networking Standards Evaluation & Student intranet Training & Incentives Digital Library Quality Finance Education Vision & Strategy Gigabit backbone Gartner, PREDICT, Copyright/IPR Digital Asset Officer, Glasgow Digital Library IIP, ILT, All student certification Managed Learning Environment Learning Delivery Devices Laptops for all Teaching Materials Shared, WebCT, In-house Systems, cEVU, New classrooms, VLE

19 Peeping into Utopia Relevance and co-operation Professional self-confidence The Library as place Creating and collecting content Holdings not access!! Data Management Training Preservation

20 The Bad News There has never been a correlation between library use and class of degree There is not a correlation between research quality and library quality or size SO, we must stake out our turf and assert relevance or others will move in

21 More of the same? Sourdust: Keeper of the Rituals and Master of the Ceremonies

22 Old Wine in New Bottles The future lies in the past The International Library Movement Co-operation, co-operation, co-operation UAP and UBC Document Supply Selection, storage and support


24 Trust Me I’m a Librarian “People become librarians because they know too much. Their knowledge extends beyond mere categories. They cannot be confined to disciplines. Librarians are all-knowing and all-seeing. They bring order to chaos. They bring wisdom and culture to the masses. They preserve every aspect of human knowledge. Librarians rule. And they will kick the crap out of anyone who says otherwise.” (Olson, 2000)

25 Requirements Go to new places Investigate, report and IMPLEMENT Let the university know you are doing this Lights are hidden under bushels for a reason He who pays the piper may call the tune – but that doesn’t guarantee an audience

26 The Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902

27 User not technology driven The Library as place Second most used public service University space has not grown Staff and students are library conservatives Images are available to all Communities share a history Librarians can collect and interpret that Returning their history to communities Because a technology exists doesn’t ensure use SMS for student messages

28 GLASGOW DIGITAL LIBRARYCOLLECTIONSPEOPLEPLACESSUBJECTSDOCUMENTS Organised digital collections to support teaching, learning and research Aspect Access to Scottish Parliamentary Election Candidate Materials 1999 Red Clydeside Political History of the Scottish Left 1910-1922 Springburn Virtual Museum Photographs from Springburn Community Museum 1880-1987 Voyage of the Scotia Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-04 GlasgowInfo Directory information for and about Glasgow 2002 100 Glasgow Men Memoirs and Portraits of 100 Glasgow Men 1855-1885 Virtual Mitchell Images of Glasgow by area, street or subject 1860-1980 Victorian Times Social, political, and economic conditions 1837-1901 OverviewOverview | Contacts | Reports | PoliciesContactsReportsPolicies The Glasgow Digital Library is based at the Centre for Digital Library Research in the University of Strathclyde. It was set up as part of the Research Support Libraries Programme, supplemented by funding from SCRAN for specific digitisation projects.Centre for Digital Library ResearchUniversity of StrathclydeResearch Support Libraries ProgrammeSCRAN GLASGOW DIGITAL LIBRARY COLLECTIONSPEOPLEPLACESSUBJECTSDOCUMENTS

29 Glasgow Digital Library Identifying Resources for Digitisation Encouraging Electronic Content Creation Cost-cutting by City-wide Licences Mirroring heavily used content The Virtual Human Setting and Implementing Standards A distributed regional resource

30 Shared services as well as content 7x24 reference service with UTS Shared ILL Department discussed Shared skills training for users Information literacy and the death of Google

31 Returning history to the community Images Moving images Oral History Whose granny will be thrown away?



34 Red Clydeside


36 Information arbitrage Identifying products Identifying value for money Identifying sites – Los Alamos Is the Pareto Principle relevant? Information without walls supporting the community Independent, authoritative and right

37 Law’s Laws 1. Good Information systems will drive out bad

38 Producers not mouse potatoes OAI SPARC BIOMED Central The end of big deals? The failure of the STM model Scientific learned societies are worse than publishers SAPIENS and HOMO SAPIENS Publishing supports research NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND

39 A rose by any other name Taxonomy Ontology Semantic web Metadata The organisation of knowledge

40 Law’s Laws 1. Good Information systems will drive out bad 2. User Friendly systems aren’t

41 Training  The satisfied inept – staff as well as students  13% get information from the Library  But it’s also a: – cybersandpit – dating agency – learning space – 7x24 chatroom – Training ground

42 Data preservation and trusted repositories Building research collections for the future Clearing the study Repository standards Under-resourcing the IT service

43 Derek’s Digital Dictums Make big plans and aim high A hot bed of cold feet Losers confuse destiny with bad management Do what’s crazy, not what’s stupid When you come to a crossroads – take it


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