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NAVSUP 1090: Food Preparation Worksheet

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1 NAVSUP 1090: Food Preparation Worksheet
- CS1(SS) Foster

2 Learning Objectives Cover major components of the NAVSUP 1090
Explore where the information comes from Explain all math involved in preparing Explore supplemental components

3 NAVSUP 1090

4 NAVSUP 1090 The 1090 is basically a menu for the day, giving the GWC his orders from the LCS The 1090 is a written order from the LCS, to be carried out by the GWC All the items to prepare are listed in the order of the meals, by AFRS card # and by name There is also a column dictating how much (# or portions) the LCS wants prepared There is a column next to that where the GWC records how much was actually prepared (will nearly always vary from the PTP)

5 NAVSUP 1090

6 NAVSUP 1090 Actual Prepared is a quantity reached by the watch captain using the final quantity from the 1282 for that menu item as well as the units/100p from the recipe card. For example, if that day you used 192# of Bubba Burgers for lunch, which are 33# 5 oz./100p (33.33#), you simply dived 192 by = 5.466 This is, as in acceptabilites, representative of 546.6p, or 547p.

7 NAVSUP 1090 The NAVSUP 1090 will nearly always have some form of instructions from the LCS. They are not to be things like “Do not overcook” and “Follow the recipe”, but reminders such as “cook to order” or “cook in batches”. All these instructions are orders from the LCS! Take them seriously!

8 NAVSUP 1090

9 NAVSUP 1090 The 1090 contains “start prep” and “start cooking” times
These are tools for the GWC to manage time effectively The goal is always to prepare products as close to serving time as possible The “Portions Leftover” column is recorded by the GWC for the purpose of computing acceptabilites and monitoring waste Acceptabilites are a percentage of the actual served that consumed a certain menu item It allows us to see what items are popular and which we should consider taking off the menu, and also a guide for “Portions to Prepare” for future meals

10 NAVSUP 1090 Acceptabilites will be on your advancement exam, EVERY TIME! Take the time to understand this formula: Actual Prepared – Portions Leftover ÷ Patrons Served = Acceptability % So, if I prepared 547p of Bubba Burgers and had 14p leftover and for lunch served 702 people, my acceptability goes like this: 547p - 14 ÷ 702 = = .76 = 76% This means that 76% of the people who ate lunch had a burger.

11 NAVSUP 1090

12 NAVSUP 1090 Disposition of leftovers is a very important section that is often misused There are two columns: “prepared leftovers” and “unprepared leftovers” There are more than one way to used these columns and you are accounting only for leftovers that cannot be returned to the inventory Prepared is leftovers already prepared or cooked, that will be saved to be re-served (and most likely re-heated) Unprepared leftovers are something that cannot be returned but usually can be saved for longer that 24 hours, such as cereal or oatmeal. A broken case/unit that is not actually cooked

13 NAVSUP 1090 These columns are important for continuity of the Actual Prepared column discussed earlier If the GWC has leftovers carried over from a previous meal or day, they must be recorded as part of his actual prepared The quantity used for computing the Actual Prepared on a product is drawn from the final quantity on the 1282 or from leftovers carried over on the 1090; or both. Properly recording leftovers is big, especially the number of portions, so that all the math works out and GWCs, the LCS or inspectors can see where the prepared portions are coming from

14 NAVSUP 1090

15 NAVSUP 1090 The 1090 has a series of signature blocks with different purposes There can be a maximum of 4 signatures on the 1090 The first is the FSO’s, which is not required but an optional review The second is required, which is the LCS who is responsible for generating the 1090 and approving it for use. The last 2 potential signatures are by the GWCs. On a normal watch day there will only be one signature, on a turnover day there will be two (one on-coming, one off-going). Above the signatures you will see a control number generated by FSM, the cycle day number, the date and the activity information which includes which galley and line the 1090 you are looking at belongs to

16 NAVSUP 1090

17 NAVSUP 1090 Finally, for the front, is the headcount block in the upper right This has all 4 potential meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and the midnight meal The allowed number is something given to the LCS by the XO or Personnel Officer dictating how many patrons are allowed to subsist The % column is the percentage of our allowed # that actually ate the meal The predicted column is a tool to help avoid waste through over-prep of food and is generated via past headcounts in FSM The actual # is the headcount from the meal which is found via 1291s and 1292s and cash sales, or by the MDMMA using a clicker to track patrons through the serving line

18 NAVSUP 1090

19 NAVSUP 1090 On the back of the 1090, you will generally find many supplemental logs They can be heat stress temp. logs, serving line temp. logs, chill/frozen breakout area temp. logs, meat block areas, a modified 1046 (Meals Sold for Credit), etc. It’s a very useful tool for the GWC to track all the required information during his watch

20 NAVSUP 1090

21 Any Questions?

22 Review What is the noun name for the 1090? Food Preparation Worksheet
Who generates the portions to prepare? LCS Who records the actual prepared? GWC

23 Review What is an example of an inappropriate 1090 instruction?
Do not overcook, Follow the recipe card What is the purpose of start prep/start cook times? Time management, finish close to serving time What two columns appear in the disposition of leftovers area? Prepared and Unprepared

24 Review Maximum number of signatures on a 1090? 4 Who are they?
FSO, LCS, GWC (off-going), GWC (on-coming)

25 Any Questions?

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