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Elizabethan Drama Elizabethan Drama Fabio Pesaresi

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1 Elizabethan Drama Elizabethan Drama Fabio Pesaresi

2 English tradition ► Popular ► Religious ► Entertaining

3 Renaissance Classical Theatre is studied at Universities

4 Aristotle The public can identify with the characters but the playwright must respect: 1. Unity of place 2. Unity of time 3. Unity of plot

5 University Wits ► Students at University ► They appreciate Seneca for his tragedies

6 Senecan Tragedies ► Cruelty and bloodsheds represented on stage ► Ghosts ► Strong characters ► Atmosphere of horror ► Revenge theme

7 The villain Senecan character + Machiavellan prince

8 Machiavelli in England In England Machiavelli is synonym with ► Ruthlessness ► Cruelty ► Revenge ► Intrigue ► Corruption

9 Machiavelli The Prince The Prince= Political treaty on good government The Prince must protect the State, even if this means suppressing the individual

10 Senecan Tragedies ► Norton & Sackville: Gorboduc (1561) ► Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedy (1585)

11 Kyd’s Theatre ► Ghosts ► Horrors ► Villains

12 This presentation is available at: Username: fpesaresi Password: cesare

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